We are so sure that you will like our Xyting Insight™ self-assessment and report that we will let you try it for free. Please provide the information requested below and we will have someone on staff call you to provide a free passcode needed to try out the assessment and receive a free report. There is no further obligation. (One free assessment and report per person per company, please. Offer valid only through this website and may be discontinued at any time without prior notice.) Established in 1999, Xyte, Inc. is a human behavioral research company that is leading the next individual employee measurement shift from demographics to the “right person for the right job.” Xyte has found the human link between an individual’s cognitive strengths and the type of work they that most interests and engages them. For the individual seeking the right career path or employers who struggle with high turnover or finding engaged employees, Xyte’s provides a suite of self-selecting preference metrics that deliver consistent valuations based on assessments of individual employees. Unlike education, skills, and demographics which provide inadequate differentiation for today’s personalized market, Xyte adds sophisticated methodology to the simple demographics of valuing and counting people. It can change the comparative value of entire demographic segments (young versus old, men versus women, Hispanic versus black, etc.). Counting differently as Xyte does even can alter the economics of entire industries and lead to changing the culture itself. That’s exactly what Xyte’s instrument is a system science model with four constructs that are continuous variables. Together, this Xyte’s instrument is the to explain a high percentage of variance that is significant in regression modeling for predicting human behavior. Example: Xyte’s study for the U.S. Army and Navy accurately predicted performance of recruiters. It is the first instrument that is predictive of performance and other behaviors. Xyte’s instrument is Xyte’s instrument . For example, Xyte provides the preferred communication style for each cognofile including input senses, memory retention, and how the information is perceived. Suggestions are provided on how to motivate as well as how to communicate, and understanding leadership style, learning preferences, how others perceive you, and more. Xyte has identified input senses or Xyte’s instrument differentiates the thinking process/innate, intrinsic behaviors from learned environmental influences/skills that contribute to certain behaviors. Xyte has identified (output senses: Body, Hand, Word, Mind rows) which explain approaches to decision-making, leadership style, and preferred occupational activities. This provides an easy way to place individuals in jobs where they will be more productive, engaged, and retained longer. All contributing to their happiness. Xyte’s instrument is . Individuals need to be assessed only once and it takes only 10-12 minutes of their time. Volume pricing is available to assist businesses work with entire employee populations or customer lists. Xyte’s instrument is valid. The helped us understand what types of innate characters and behaviors are needed in a job and what cognofile would fit the job appropriately. They showed us how to advertise for an open position so we received fewer resumes to review, but more applicants with the right behaviors to fit the job. Now our turnover rate is the lowest it has ever been and we have the happiest employees who love their jobs.” “If it hadn’t been for the Xyte tools, I wouldn’t have known how to communicate with my facilities staff, nor they with me. We all learned huge lessons about how the innate differences between people affect their behavior and how to communicate with all types of people better.” gave us a better understanding of our strengths, and also how we can combine our different perspectives and brains to generate the ideas we need for our business. Xyte actually ties the person’s strengths to the corporate goals which is a win/win for everyone.” assessment helped us get beyond our pre-conceived notions of each other. Everyone was excited to take the assessment and they dug into their identified the challenging areas in our business and helped us better understand our behaviors and interactions. Our employees have really dug into learning the “I’m sold on Xyte and the Xyte program! Our group was insulated and isolated. Due to the longevity of the staff, we had to add new employees and it was challenging. After using the Xyte program, we’re now a well-functioning team that works synergistically without close supervision.” “Now that I understand my Xyte , I learned that’s how I am and that’s OK – I’m not broken just because I don’t fit the habits and behaviors of others. Xyte helped me to recognize my authentic self!’ assessment is a catalyst for change. We used it to look at our business and how we work, and what we need to insure our future. It helps us identify the team players we need for future growth. That’s the beauty of a team working together using the Xyte tools.” Nicole Dawson, Vice President of Human Resources at StartSampling, Inc., Carol Stream, IL, has been using the Xyte tools – with fantastic results – since 2008. We first introduced the tool to our Leadership Team as a team building exercise and later to all of our employees as a means to improve communication and building more effective teams. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our employees about the experience. The tool exceeded expectations, helping individuals understand their modes of communication, what drives them, how others perceive them, and the value of referring to the tool to get desired results from one-on-one and team interactions. We were so pleased with the outcomes of our employee applications that in 2010 we integrated the cognofile assessment into our recruitment process with the hope of closely aligning candidate strengths to job responsibilities. Since that time, all leading candidates are asked to complete the assessment. We are then able to compare the candidate cognofile against the Xyte Recruiting Assistant to determine a good fit and better understand the strengths an individual would bring to a role, as well as the challenges. We have used the tools, with the attentive assistance of Linda McIsaac and Gerry Klodt, to develop additional Communication and Team Building training for our Leadership Team, and we are in process of developing similar training specific to each of our business groups. Linda and Gerry continue to offer an incredible level of support to us in our application of the tools, making themselves available to us and our candidates during the recruitment process, and being available to assist in our training needs. As a Human Resources professional, I am familiar with many assessment tools, as well as communication and team building tools. Xyte is one of the most effective and consistently reliable of these tools that I have ever used. StartSampling, Inc. values our relationship with Xyte and we will continue to use these valuable tools well into the future.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
September 21, 2016
Home State
Company Type
Foreign for Profit




Principal Address

See Also

Officers and Directors

The XYTE, INC. managed by the three persons from MADISON, OREGON on following positions: President, Secretary, Treasurer

Gerald J Klodt

President Active
MADISON, WI, 53717

Menzi Behrnd-Klodt

Secretary Active
MADISON, WI, 53717

Linda Mcisaac

Treasurer Active
OREGON, WI, 53575

Registered Agent is Susan Eaves



September 28, 2018

Annual Reports

April 11, 2017