No products in the cart. Hello, My name is Stephen Becker and I am the president of Vitality Science. We are proud to be a family owned and operated company, based in Taos, NM, USA. I have been a health and supplement scholar and advocate for over 50 years. My goal has always been to share my knowledge and passion with others. Everyday I receive phone calls and letters sharing Vitality Science success stories, and I know that I am finally living my purpose and it makes me thankful. The story of Vitality Science begins with one fantastic product, Vitality Science Pet Flora, in 2005. Our first trials were astounding, and we knew we had something special and wanting to share it with the world. We started slow and eventually added more products to create a unique and broad range of remedies, products and vitamin supplements for dogs and cats. Each product contains the best ingredients of the highest quality. After ten years of hard work and perseverance we are proud to have helped thousands of people in over 15 countries to restore the health of their beloved family members. Over the years we have discovered that the best recipe for success relies on two principles; ease of use and comprehensive holistic care. Our combo protocols give you all the necessary tools to achieve success and hopefully regain and maintain a vitally happy and healthy animal. We are here to help you find the right path to health! Products Their products helped to put my cat's cancer in remission. I also used Essiac tea. I would never put my cat through chemo due to both the expense and the pain.. so having products like this allow me to have more time with my favorite fur person. My cat Kojo was diagnosed with IBD, which is incredibly difficult to treat. Vitality Science’s GI Distress and Herbal Anti tincture drops have been lifesavers, along with a limited ingredient diet. He’s been on the drops for a few years. Vitality Science is a godsend if you have a vomiting kitty or one with digestive issues or diarrhea. Their products have helped my cats tremendously. Steven Becker there freely offers a wealth of knowledge and information on feline health. Thank you VS!! Our cat was extremely sick for months in 2016. We had trouble getting a good diagnosis then when we did he was to ill for any intensive treatment. He had hardening of the intestines from what is basically the cat version of severe IBS and the vet suspected lymphoma as well. He also had a sharp decline in his vision from nutrient deficiencies. A year ago, we were basically at the point that we were counting our days with him when I started trying an elimination and add back diet to find out what he could and couldn't eat. We have virtually elimated poultry and corn and only give him foods that have been pureed. This change allowed him to keep his food down most of the time. When we started adding Vitality Science Feline Comfort Plus and Luxolite daily, he started to gain weight, his bowel movements normalized, and inflamation in his mouth and throat healed. We have maintained the addition of Feline Comfort and the changes made to his diet. Though he is still mostly blind, he is overall healthy and happy again. Our vet even asked how we managed to help him recover so well. Seems like animal health care needs an overhaul, but I'm thankful that I found the right solution for our sweet cat. Our very precious black cat who is a member of our family was diagnosed with lymphoma in October. We were crushed. Our vets wanted us to do chemo etc... In the interim, I researched holistic approaches and thankfully found Vitality Science. I am happy to say our sweet black cat is doing so well. No need for even the steroid he was on before. An absolute miracle. As well, the company itself is amazing. Anytime I had questions they would call or email and very quickly. Their customer service team is aces as well. Thank you to everyone at Vitality Science. Love the products that Vitality Science carries! I have a very anxious dog and the Soothing Solution works wonders for his anxiety! It really calms him down. They have great customer service as well. Thanks! The treatment resistant cat formula plus an all raw diet saved my kitty from the horrid depths of feline IBD. Thanks Vitality Science! Your products saved our dog's life..literally!!! She was diagnosed with IBD and was dying until a client of yours turned us onto your products and we started her on them. Thank you so much for developing such products!!! I cant say thank you enough for saving my cats life. Like many other stories here, the results are astounding. After months of watching my beautiful bengal vomit himself to death, being wrongly diagnosed and nearly euthanized we were advised by the vet we hired to euthanize him that he did not have kidney disease, but probably IBD/IBS. We treated him for his vomiting and dehydration and I immediately started researching the disease. I ordered your products and started him on the Feline Comfort Plus. I even received a sample of the clay, which is also wonderful! I can't thank you enough for giving my cat his life back and for giving us ours too! With Love and Gratitude...thank you! DD I started my 10yo cat Elvis on their IBS treatment protocol 9/9. He had an immediate positive response obvious in his mood, energy, and no vomiting/diarrhea. I am confident that he will continue getting healthier & happy! I also love that the help is coming from nature and not chemicals. Thank you❣ I should probably mention that when I adopted 6 year old Angelique, I did not have much of a background on her (I noticed her soiled bottom) Soon an occasional bad poo turned into severe IBS and poor baby, Angelique also has acid reflux...we were both miserable and my off white carpet was absolutely ruined. Much to my horror, my own family kept suggesting that I should find another home for her so I could get some sleep and stop running up my credit card debt on vet bills... I was really worried that I might lose Angelique. She was wasting away and at 5.75 lbs, she didn't have much to lose. I could also her moan whenever I'd pick her up. It hurt me to know that she was hurting soo much. Praise the Lord, a concerned friend told me about Vitality Science!! Let me tell you that the first time Angelique had a normal formed poo, I was soo excited that I almost took a picture of it to send to Stephen!! I really did! Angelique soon began to heal and by the end of 3 months she consistently had ONLY healthy poos. WOW- No more worries!! I finally felt confident that when I fed her that she would be fine. No more bad poos!! When I took Angelique back in to our vet to have her poo cultured, our vet was soo thrilled and excited about the change in Angelique's appearance and most of all her demeanor ((it had been a good 2 months since Angelique had been in) that she had to take Angelique through the whole office to show her to the other vets and techs to show them how great she looked!! Angelique's eyes were bright and shiny, her tail was wagging and she had given our vet the first happy kiss ever!! My friends noticed that Angelique's personality just blossomed as well, so I need to say,Thanks Vitality Science, thanks so much for giving me such a great dog!! JulieI wish I could post a picture - she's adorable too!


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
July 20, 2005
Age - 19 years
Home State
Company Type
Domestic for Profit


(575) 758-3985


Principal Address
1601 SW 4th Ct,
Mailing Address
5179 Potomac Highlands Trl,
Green Bank,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The VITALITY SCIENCE, INC. managed by the three persons from Green Bank, FORT LAUDERDALE on following positions: PD, VD, STD

Stephen Becker

PD Active
Green Bank, WV, 24944

Robert Hart

VD Active

Jay Slade

STD Active

Registered Agent is FILINGS, INC.

1601 SW 4th Ct, FT. LAUDERDALE, FL, 33312

Annual Reports

March 2, 2024
February 24, 2023