ULTIUS, INC., Wilmington

Ultius is the trusted provider of content based solutions for consumers around the world. Since 2010, Ultius has been deeply committed to hiring and training the best American writers to deliver writing, editing, and business writing services while offering tremendous client support. With a staff of over fourteen hundred (1400) writers and , Ultius is the global leader in consumer writing services. We take pride in having talented, fun, and driven people in our organization. That includes our writers, who go through an intense training program before being able to work on orders. By focusing extensively on having good writers, we can ensure that we follow through with our promise of offering the best possible product on the market. At Ultius, we really value our unique company culture as well as our social mission. Company culture isn’t merely a bunch of words on paper, it is a collection of behaviors that we run our business by. Our company mission statement reflects our daily goal of providing a world-class marketplace platform while reaching the scope set forth by our vision statement. We hope that you enjoy reading our organizational statements as much as we enjoy living by them every day. Ultius Mission Statement Our mission is to conveniently deliver high-quality content and offer tremendous client support. Ultius Vision Statement Our vision is to be the trusted provider of content solutions for consumers around the world. Ultius Company Values Values are the pillars of logic that we stand by. They help us make daily decisions by giving us a standard rubric to assess our behavior. Again, we don’t treat these as words, but behaviors that we live by. Everyone has clear accountability for their task and role in the company. Our success and reputation is based on the tangible results that we produce. A client oriented mentality that focuses on delivering top quality products and services through a shared commitment to clients. Adaptation is the crux of evolution. The same is true when building a company. We invest time, capital and resources into new technologies, better processes, new products and services, and industry leading practices. We believe that predicting the future is easier when you are building it. Doing the right things day in and day out requires carrying a feeling of urgency. Productivity Abraham Lincoln was once asked what he would do if he had to chop down a tree in eight hours. His response was “I would spend seven hours sharpening my axe and one hour chopping.” We approach productivity with the same attitude. Social Mission Ultius was created to help hardworking Americans obtain contracted writing jobs. We believe in supporting America through . We only hire American writers and don't plan on changing this policy anytime soon. Our commitment is also reflected by the amount of compensation we provide our contracted writers. Ultius writers generally earn more than any company that competes with us. We do this because we want the people working for us to maximize their output or value. We believe that the new economy is based on being an entrepreneur, whether you are a freelance writer or staff member. One thing almost everyone at the company is passionate about is writing and editing. Some of our writers have even published books and have strong careers in that space. We all love writing and genuinely enjoy providing access to writers on a global scale. For more Over 1500 Writers Work for Ultius When Ultius first launched in 2010 we knew that we would be helping the knowledge economy grow by providing freelance writing jobs for professionals around the country. Today we are happy to announce that we have crossed the 1,000 writer threshold. As our platform continues to grow we look forward to providing a world-class infrastructure for all of our writers. On April 3rd, 2015 Ultius launched its newest community initiative, Community Cleanup Days. Once a month, eight lucky staff members put on our bright orange “clean up” shirts and picked up trash, swept, and raised awareness towards the environment within our business plaza. We are excited to host Community Cleanup Days once a month in order to help make our community a better place. After being listed on the Better Business Bureau &reg for over a year, Ultius earned an A+ rating based on several rating factors. This milestone reflects Ultius’ dedication to world-class customer service and complaint resolution practices. As of 2012, student loan debt topped 1 trillion dollars (yes, that’s a T). Many of these students graduated with professional degrees and cannot find jobs. Ultius is committed to providing these talented graduates with a platform to use their skills in the new knowledge economy to help pay off student loan debt. The total U.S. unemployment rate is 5.5% as of March of 2015. Ultius is committed to helping close this gap by only hiring American writers. While tackling national unemployment is a formidable challenge, we believe that companies that commit to hiring domestically set a positive example.  Helping shape the new knowledge economy Online privacy is being threatened on a daily basis - whether from governments or malicious agents. The spirit of the internet was and is to make information free and accessible for all, and security considerations are a negative side effect of that. Ultius deeply believes in promoting a free and open internet that is safe for everyone to use - to matter their technical expertise. That's why we inform our customers (and the public) of security related incidents and Availability Intelligence is a service mark (pending registration as of 5 October 2016) of Ultius, Inc. The mark represents our proprietary technology that utilizes various signals and data points to determine whether clients can request specific contracted writers. All third-party company logos and names are registered trademarks of the respective company. Ultius, Inc. uses various online tools to ensure all custom writing work is original. However, we legally cannot 100% guarantee that it will be original. This may be due to software failure, indexing issues with Copyscape, unpublished (offline) content or human error. In the case that your custom writing order is not original, we will be more than happy to have a different writer re-write it or provide you with a full refund. Copyscape is a trademark of Indigo Stream Technologies and is not affiliated with Ultius, Inc.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
October 3, 2016
Home State
Company Type
Foreign for Profit


(800) 405-2972
(702) 979-7365


Principal Address
1201 N Orange St, STE 7038,
Mailing Address
2560 Montessouri St, STE 201,
Las Vegas,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The ULTIUS, INC. managed by the three persons from Las Vegas on following positions: Chief Executive Officer, Dire, President

Boban Dedovic

Chief Executive Officer Active
Las Vegas, NV, 89117

Boban Dedovic

Dire Active
Las Vegas, NV, 89117

Boban Dedovic

President Active
Las Vegas, NV, 89117

Registered Agent is INCORP SERVICES, INC.



April 26, 2021

Annual Reports

June 25, 2020
February 8, 2019