Carol Cox is the founder of Speaking Your Brand, which helps high-performing, purpose-driven women entrepreneurs and professionals shape their business and personal brands, share their message, and become recognized as influencers in their field. Carol is a podcaster, TEDx speaker, and sought-after presenter and trainer on public speaking, branding, and leadership for women. Carol teaches business and marketing classes at a university and during election seasons serves as a political analyst on TV news. She is based in Orlando, Florida, and works with clients both locally and virtually around the world. I help entrepreneurial and executive women excavate their stories, define their core message, and create a breakthrough brand and signature talk that grows their business and influence. pursuing bigger, audacious goals, raising our voices and sharing our stories about what really matters – on stages, in boardrooms, in our businesses, in the media – so others can learn from our journeys, see themselves in ours, and become leaders in their own companies and communities. I started Speaking Your Brand precisely to provide the coaching, strategy, support, and confidence you need to take your story and your craft and turn it into a core message, whether it’s web copy or a presentation, that provides immense value to your audience and leaves them wanting more from you I envisioned myself as a young woman in the French Resistance during World War II, daringly helping others escape to freedom so that democracy and goodness could prevail over totalitarianism and darkness. (Quite dramatic, I know. I can picture the movie version in my head.) Then I made a detour into web programming and started two technology companies. I also teach business and marketing classes at a university. I’ve been speaking at business conferences and events throughout my career. I’ve experienced the power that public speaking has to quickly grow my network, build brand reputation, and help me become a recognized community leader. in using speaking to further my business goals. Second, because I did not have a signature talk, one topic I was known for, people weren’t sure exactly what I and my company did and how specifically I could help them. That’s when I decided I needed specific speaking goals related to my business and I needed to create a signature talk After seeing presentations that other business people were giving, I noticed they were usually missing these key ingredients. I realized that I had a contribution to make here. I’ve created and delivered hundreds of presentations and webinars and developed curricula for nearly a dozen college-level courses in business, marketing, and technology. “Carol gave just the right amount of actionable information that kept us productive but prevented us from being overwhelmed. The exercises were clearly connected to business outcomes and I found them both fun and enlightening. We are bringing her back by popular demand and I highly recommend Carol as a speaker, facilitator and teacher!” – Shea Glenny, My philosophy is from the stage, don’t sell from the stage. Not only does this make you an authority and more interesting for your audience to listen to, but it also builds a sustainable business for you built on integrity and relationships. , so you can share your message in a way that resonates with your audience and grows your business. Carol has started two software businesses, whose clients have included Fortune 500 companies, small businesses and start-ups, municipalities, community organizations, and political candidates. Based on her years of business, marketing, and presentation experience, Carol created Speaking Your Brand to help entrepreneurs and community leaders learn how to shape and share their business and personal brands and become recognized as the go-to experts in their field. Since 2009, Carol has taught Internet business and marketing courses at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. Do you have a hard time explaining to people what you do so they “get” it right away? Are you not sure what’s truly unique about your brand? Is your business getting lost amidst the noise? a meaningful message and a story that sells with your marketing and audience. You’ll know what kinds of content and products to create and for whom. My 15+ years of knowledge, experience, and expertise in business, marketing, and messaging I’ve experienced all those things and, to be honest, it sucks. It sucks away your energy, your focus, your creativity, your motivation, and your money. You start to doubt why you’re even doing this, especially when you inevitably compare yourself to others and the success they’re having in their businesses. In a busy world, you need to create a powerful brand that breaks through the crowded marketplace with a meaningful message and a story that sells. Why does this matter for your business? you can base your business and marketing on it for the next 10 years , no matter what you’re selling and no matter what hot new channel comes after Twitter and Instagram and Facebook. you’ll know what kinds of content and products to create and for whom “What a beautiful process to clarify my thoughts and vision! It feels so good to have this ability to articulate my core message. I love what you are doing and once others see and hear about the power of this process, it will transform people’s lives. This is much more than a signature talk – it is extracting your core message. It can then be converted into everything from a sense of wellbeing to business differentiation.” , Executive Leader & Product Development Specialist I help women entrepreneurs and executives like you excavate your stories, define your core message, and create a breakthrough brand and signature talk that grows your business and influence. I created Speaking Your Brand to provide you with the coaching, strategy, and support you need to take your story and your craft and turn it into a compelling message, whether it’s web copy or a presentation, that provides immense value to your audience.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
March 13, 2017
Age - 8 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability


(407) 413-9501


Principal Address
3031 Dawley Ave,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The SPEAKING YOUR BRAND, LLC managed by the one person from ORLANDO on following positions: Authorized Member

Carol Cox

Authorized Member Active
ORLANDO, 32806

Registered Agent is Carol Cox

Orlando, 32806

Annual Reports

February 2, 2024
January 18, 2023