Company We are pleased to introduce you SCS Logistics BV. Serving customers from all over the whole world for 15 years now. If you have a machine, project cargo, products with abnormal measurements (out of gauge cargo), cargo to be shipped to a remote location, urgent shipments or anything else which is different from the ‘day to day’ logistics; SCS Logistics is more than willing to offer you their service. Transport of pallets from A to B within normal time frames is the simplest form of logistics. Many transport firms are capable to offer this service. SCS Logistics focuses on transport and logistics which deviates from the standard. Transport and logistics activities which require flexibility, transparency, control, dedication and know-how, resulting in a high service standard. A service you can rely on. A transport firm is often bound to its own equipment and the service it can offer just by itself. SCS maintains a network of high quality partners they can rely on. If firm A cannot deliver a required service, there is always a back-up. SCS challenges you to ask for a solution they cannot offer. ‘Where people work, mistakes will always be made’. If there is delay in your shipment, or in case anything else is deemed to go wrong, you will be informed, timely. SCS believes being honest will help both SCS as well as the customer to anticipate in case a mistake has been made. No matter who made the mistake, it will be fixed. 1.1 Unless there is an unambiguous written agreement to the contrary, the following conditions apply to all offers or instructions of, and all activities, agreements, works, performances, services and deliveries carried out or to be carried out by, SCS Heavy Lifts & Transports B.V. and/or SCS Logistics B.V. or any other company from the same group (below jointly and also each of these separately to be referred to as: SCS) in the widest possible sense, regardless of whether these are issues, performed or carried out by or with the aid of employees of SCS or intermediaries or subcontractors instructed by SCS. 1.3 These conditions also apply to all of the following issued by or on behalf of SCS: documents, including but not limited to quotations, offers, letters of intent, instructions, orders, booking and other confirmations, invoices, charter agreements, consignment notes/waybills, receipts, delivery orders, arrival notices, mate’s receipts, bills of lading, warehouse receipts or other storage documents, calculations, designs, models, construction or working drawings, load plans or stowage plans, schemes of schedules, work or safety procedures, risk analyses, rules, minutes, brochures, reports, studies, descriptions of equipment or auxiliaries, information sheets, certificates or any other document of any sort, everything in so far as consistent with provisions of Dutch law which apply compulsorily or international Conventions applicable in The Netherlands and binding on Dutch persons or companies. 3.2 All incidents which may give rise to the submission of a claim against SCS must be reported by the entitled party in writing to SCS immediately, but ultimately three working days after the party entitled is aware of this, under penalty of forfeiture of all claim rights. However, in the event that persons of or on behalf of SCS are present on the location of the incident, this term will end with the departure of those persons. Costs charged to SCS by third parties in connection with the performance of obligations undertaken by SCS may be on-charged by SCS with its customary surcharge or margin, unless the agreement explicitly provides that these costs remain for the account of SCS. 4.6 A claim of SCS will become due and payable immediately upon the principal being granted (provisionally or definitively) a suspension of payments or being declared bankrupt, or discontinuing its factual business or an arrest being made against him, or if the principal or its representative or subcontractor is in default in respect of its obligations under any agreement with SCS (these conditions included). 4.7 Any setoff, on whatever ground, by the principal or counterpart or debtor of SCS in respect of sums charged to such party by SCS is excluded. The principal or counterpart or (alleged) creditor of SCS is not entitled to transfer any claim to a third party without written permission of SCS; such a transfer shall be null vis-à-vis SCS. The principal or counterpart waives the right to take over any claims against SCS from third parties. 4.8 Disputes between SCS and the principal, counterpart, subcontractor or representative thereof regarding any invoice or the performance of any agreement or activity or document of SCS as meant under I do not suspend the payment obligation of the principal or counterpart. In cases where on the basis of any mandatory legal provision or judicial decision there would be a right of suspension, the counterpart of SCS will forthwith provide security in the form of a guarantee of a first class Dutch bank, to cover the suspended obligations. 4.9 The principal or counterpart of SCS is deemed to have informed itself sufficiently of the financial status of SCS at the time of the conclusion of the agreement, and accepts in that connection that an arrest against SCS will be ‘unnecessary’ in the sense of article 705(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure, and that no application will be filed, or any conservatory arrest made, without the principal or counterpart having previously requested in writing that security for a claim be provided. In case of such a request a guarantee of an insurer or a company belonging to the SCS group will be regarded as sufficient security. This provision does not affect the right of SCS to make arrests against its debtors in accordance with the legal provisions. The principal or counterpart will provide security for present or future claims of SCS on the first request of SCS, and if it fails to do so SCS may suspend its obligations or dissolve the agreement if this is reasonable in the concrete circumstances of the case.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
October 28, 2014
Age - 10 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address

See Also

Officers and Directors

The S C S LOGISTICS LLC managed by the one person from MEDLEY on following positions: Manager

Eduardo De Grijze

Manager Active
MEDLEY, 33166

Registered Agent is Pierina V Sanchez

MEDLEY, 33166

Annual Reports

March 17, 2023
March 2, 2022