It’s about hope! It’s about taking your health into your own hands. Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a positive site that offers hope, natural remedies and good food to optimize health alongside your health practitioner! Whitehead quoted, “Children are the living message we send to a time we will not see.” At age 12, Mandy wanted to adopt a child. Learning that there were over 400,000 children in Foster Care was unthinkable! That dream took time through many amazing adventures with children filling up all the spaces. At Cal Poly, Mandy graduated with fancy degrees, cooking and nutritional credentials but the important stuff was how many children and childrens’ homes found joy! How each child is awesome because of a special gift they possess! Mandy loves sharing the importance of the food we put in our bodies. If you want greatness, you must eat great! If you want fun, you must eat fun! Having 4 children, Mandy has now fostered several children and adopted only 1! Her inspiration to step out into the big world and share, was through a little 2-year-old foster boy with cancer who called her Mommy. After restoring his health with great food, despite chemo, Dak had the right to move back with his Bio-Dad. Surviving on Cheetos, coke and marshmallows, our weekly visits ended as Dak passed away at 4- years-old within 6 months. Holding this little guy in her arms as he passed, his last words inspire Mandy from this day forward. Life comes with some powerful lessons. Mandy intends to use experience, knowledge, and inspiration to reach out and help every kid and family she can touch! Join us as we continue to blow the roof off of hate, fear, anger, prejudice, and bad food and fill it with love, peace, forgiveness and good, healthy food that nourishes! We are also on It’s about hope! It’s about taking your health into your own hands. Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a positive site that offers hope, natural remedies and good food to optimize health alongside your health practitioner! Whitehead quoted, “Children are the living message we send to a time we will not see.” At age 12, Mandy wanted to adopt a child. Learning that there were over 400,000 children in Foster Care was unthinkable! That dream took time through many amazing adventures with children filling up all the spaces. At Cal Poly, Mandy graduated with fancy degrees, cooking and nutritional credentials but the important stuff was how many children and childrens’ homes found joy! How each child is awesome because of a special gift they possess! Mandy loves sharing the importance of the food we put in our bodies. If you want greatness, you must eat great! If you want fun, you must eat fun! Having 4 children, Mandy has now fostered several children and adopted only 1! Her inspiration to step out into the big world and share, was through a little 2-year-old foster boy with cancer who called her Mommy. After restoring his health with great food, despite chemo, Dak had the right to move back with his Bio-Dad. Surviving on Cheetos, coke and marshmallows, our weekly visits ended as Dak passed away at 4- years-old within 6 months. Holding this little guy in her arms as he passed, his last words inspire Mandy from this day forward. Life comes with some powerful lessons. Mandy intends to use experience, knowledge, and inspiration to reach out and help every kid and family she can touch! Join us as we continue to blow the roof off of hate, fear, anger, prejudice, and bad food and fill it with love, peace, forgiveness and good, healthy food that nourishes! We are also on "Real Food Recovery" It say they also sell No 6 which olds 6.00 fl oz Thank you and thankful for the work you are doing and info you put out! Sarah, so sorry I’m late in responding. Thank you so much for your kind words, we have dealt with this issue and I’ll share the different approaches we have used. Find a holistic practitioner. many times chiropractors offer supplements with testing and we have found some incredible benefits along with holistic MDs. Hopefully what I share below will help you; but if you have to do surgery, find a great Pediatric Urologist and go in peace. We have done all of these approaches with some of our children. First nutritionally, a musculoskeletal supplement is helpful support. We have crushed 1-2 supplements like Cyto-zyme Parotid crushed and put in applesauce; like this. P.S. As to the why, my experience has led me to the conclusion that we are degrading because of our lack of nutrient consumption and food preparation. Read “Pottenger’s Cats”, it is a great resource. Please note that the encouraging part, noted in the book and our experience, is that diet can actually begin to reverse issues. 🙂 Try to add liver pate’ to the hamburger (70-30 ratio of hamburger to liver). My thoughts and prayers are with you. May this work for your boys! May I ask some advice? I love your sight and thought you would be a good resource for me. We are currently doing foster care and have a child who may be staying with us for a long time, if not permanently. He has only been here a few days and it is my goal to make him feel as secure and well-cared for as possible. I’m not sure how to approach the food issue in a way that will not lead to anger or mistrust. He only knows and will eat the highly processed nonsense: oreos, pizza, chicken patties, lucky charms, etc. I do not keep any of those foods in my house as we follow a GAPS type diet. I am willing to buy him some organic versions of the foods he loves, but at what point do I try to get him to try new things. We tried making a rule that he must try one bite (not even swallow) of what the family is eating before he can have his old favorites, but that turned into a 2 hour crying fit. The whole time my heart was in turmoil thinking how this is the right thing (in my mind) but may be causing him deep wounds. Eventually I invited him into the garden where we picked peas and talked and giggled. I said it will be time for bed when we go in so he would have one more chance to get his mac n cheese if he tried a bite of dinner. He actually did it and was so proud that he was brave. The next day, however, my husband said that we cannot have that rule anymore. We cannot have him thinking we are withholding food from him. I’m just not quite sure how to proceed. I am planning on discussing it with the case workers(but I do not believe they will see the deep importance of a proper diet for a young child). Any of your wisdom would be greatly appreciated.


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FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
September 7, 2016
Age - 8 years
Home State
Company Type
Domestic Non Profit




Principal Address
1700 66TH STREET N. 104-145,

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Officers and Directors

The REAL FOOD RECOVERY, INC. managed by the two persons from ST. PETERSBURG on following positions: PT, VP,

Amanda Blume

PT Active

James Iii Blume

VP, Active

Registered Agent is Amanda H Blume

St Petersburg, 33710

Annual Reports

April 28, 2023
April 7, 2022