Perfetti Van Melle cares about your privacy and is committed to protect your privacy. Perfetti Van Melle may collect personal information from visitors of the website. website is operated by Perfetti Van Melle. This privacy policy outlines the type of information we collect, and how we use and protect it. This policy tells you what to do if you do not want your personal information collected when you visit our sites, and how you can change information you have already provided to us. The data controller of such processing is Perfetti Van Melle Group B.V. (hereafter: “Perfetti Van Melle”), a private company under Dutch law with limited liability with registered offices at Stationsplein ZW 997 – Tristar 3, 1117 CE Schiphol Oost, The Netherlands. The computer-based systems and the software procedures involved in the working of this Website, in the course of their normal service, come into possession of some personal information, the transmission of which is implied in the use of the protocols of Internet communication. This information is not collected to be associated to any identified people, but, through processes and associations with data owned by third parties, by its own nature might lead to the identification of users. In this category of data are included the IP addresses or the names stored in the domain of the computers used by those who access the Site, the addresses in notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the digit code showing the state of the reply given by the server (good, error, etc…) and other parameters connected with the operating system and the structure and conditions of the user’s computer. This data is used only to get anonymous statistical information about the use of the Site and to check its correct performance and is deleted immediately after processing. The data might be used to investigate responsibilities, should there be any data processing offences against the site. We may collect personal data. Personal data means information from which you can be personally identified. Typically, this includes your name, street address, screen name, email address, telephone number and credit card information. We may collect data provided by users only in order to reply to questions raised and such data will be treated according to this policy and law. Data voluntary provided by the user The optional, explicit and voluntary forwarding of personal data from the user on registration forms present on this site implies the subsequent acquisition of the data provided by the sender. These data will be processed by Perfetti Van Melle with the purpose of responding to required service and, if you give your consent, sending informative and advertising material by e-mail. Perfetti Van Melle is committed to protect the privacy of children. The site is designed and intended for use by people aged 16 and over. If you are over the age of 16 but under 18, you should review the terms of this privacy policy with your parents or guardian to make sure you both understand them. Although we are not responsible for determining the age of our users, we may carry out verification checks. You decide voluntary if you want to provide us with your personal data. In some cases personal data is required to be able to perform certain functions. Throughout the site, you may be asked to provide personal data so that you can register for prize draws or competitions, receive information or mailings, fill out a survey or make a comment or enquiry. In those cases Perfetti Van Melle uses a pop-up screen with information about the processing of personal data and a tickbox to obtain consent. Please be assured that Perfetti Van Melle will not collect any personal data unless you provide this information voluntary. Your personal data is used by Perfetti Van Melle for the purpose of which it was collected (e.g. to respond your enquiry, enter you in a competition or to send you a sample). It may also be used by us to improve our products and websites, and to contact you regarding other products and services which may be of interest to you (including those we may offer jointly with other companies). We may also share it with or pass it to other companies in the Perfetti Van Melle Group and third parties which directly support Perfetti Van Melle’s promotional activities and website development. We may supplement the information that you provided us with other information we hold or that we receive from third parties. We do this for marketing purposes to provide more targeted products and services to meet your needs. It is important to know that the Personal Information is processed in accordance with the Dutch Data Protection Act (Wet van 6 juli 2000, houdende regels inzake de bescherming van persoonsgegevens (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens)). Personal data is processed by Perfetti Van Melle or a data processor who is directly linked to Perfetti Van Melle, with automated instruments only for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed. Specific security procedures are kept to prevent the risk of their destruction or loss, whether by accident or not, of unauthorized access to the data or of processing operations that are either unlawful or inconsistent with the purposes for which the data have been collected. In accordance with the law, Perfetti Van Melle has also reported the processing to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens). Perfetti Van Melle has, in accordance with the main international standards, also taken further security measures to minimize risks regarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability or the personal data collected and processed. The data we collect may be transferred or communicated to other companies in the Perfetti Van Melle Group and third parties which directly support Perfetti Van Melle’s promotional activities and website development. At times, Perfetti Van Melle retains third parties to process and analyse the data. Perfetti Van Melle may supplement the information that you provided us with other information we hold or that we receive from third parties. We do this for marketing purposes to provide more targeted products and services to meet your needs. Apart from the said cases, data will not be disclosed nor given to anybody unless this is in compliance with contractual and legal obligations or users have given their consent.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
December 11, 2017
Age - 7 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address
1239 Alton rd,
Miami Beach,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The PERFETTI LLC managed by the one person from MIAMI on following positions: Manager

Valerio Perfetti

Manager Active
MIAMI, 33150

Registered Agent is Valerio Perfetti

Miami Beach, 33139


August 10, 2020
September 28, 2018

Annual Reports

April 28, 2023
April 28, 2022