complementary products and systems . You can depend on our products to feature brilliant but practical design, and we pay keen attention to every step of the production process, from fabrication to assembly to thorough testing. As a NuAire customer, you can also rely on us for outstanding value and dependable service - the cornerstones of our reputation as the leading provider of laboratory products internationally. At NuAire, we create our high-quality products with your success in mind. This means that if you purchase a piece of laboratory equipment from us, we want you to be completely happy while using it. NuAire will work hand-in-hand with you to ensure that your experience using our product meets your standards. If you encounter any issues or difficulties along the way, we'll help you work through them until you are 100% satisfied. Our philosophy is that we succeed only when you succeed - and we are committed to working hard to ensure you achieve your goals. At NuAire, you can depend on us for being a company that is "Made in America." Our Airflow Products,  Get started with NuAire today, and learn why no one else measures up! NuAire has been the best laboratory equipment supply company for over 45 years because we hire the best. We offer people a rewarding place to work that encourages learning and growth. NuAire is known the world over for excellent products and dependability. NuAire, Inc. is an equal employment opportunity employer and will give all qualified applicants consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. In 1971, the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland tested its biological safety cabinets and found that 80 percent of their cabinets failed to protect both personnel and products. In response, the NIH put out a purchase specification (NIH-03-112c) for a new kind of biosafety cabinet, and engineer Max D. Peters got to work in his garage, designing and creating a cabinet that would actually protect the people using it, along with the important work that they were doing. What he came up with ended up being the first modern-day Biological Safety Cabinet, and after he was awarded the NIH contract to make the new cabinets, a new laboratory equipment company -- NuAire -- was born. Since its humble beginnings in Peters' garage more than 45 years ago, NuAire has grown into a leading laboratory equipment company focused on understanding the needs of its customers and tailoring solutions to meet those needs. The company's original product lines included biological safety cabinets and CO incubators. With input from customers like you, NuAire has added many additional product lines, including centrifuges, animal cage changing and procedure cabinets, pharmacy compounding isolators, ultralow-temperature freezers, polypropylene fume hoods and much, much more. Today, our company operates out of three facilities in Plymouth and Long Lake, Minnesota with over 300,000 square feet of manufacturing space. With a state-of-the-art robotic sheet metal facility, we are able to deliver you custom, innovative laboratory safety solutions in addition to the standard products that we sell. To date, NuAire has sold more than 100,000 Biosafety Cabinets to customers in more than 150 countries, and there are now NuAire products in use on all seven of the world's continents. Our products make lab work easier and safer, and our biosafety cabinets are celebrated for being quiet, easy to use and efficient to operate while requiring less maintenance. As NuAire continues to grow, we are committed to continuously improving our products and expanding our offerings, and we always strive to provide you with the highest level of personnel, environmental and product protection possible. Choose NuAire as the safer choice for your laboratory. From its very inception, NuAire has been a company that is focused on putting you -- our customers -- first. NuAire, Inc. Founded by Max D. Peters Well designed with lots of room. Well represented by BSI in the Houston area. Wouldn't think to buy from another company given the experience thus far Great instrument. I look forward to buying NuAire products in the future. The thing I like most about NuAire products is that they are designed with the end user in mind. Components are easily accessible, the instruments are designed with quality materials and every component is really easy to use. I like the wire handles on the swinging bucket inserts that makes it easier to change out the inserts. I really like the mechanism for locking and unlocking the rotor from the centrifuge. That is so nice! The footprint is relatively small for what you are getting. I only have a few criticisms. The locking mechanism for the door is a little slow so sometimes I don't properly latch the door and have to wait for the locking mechanism to rotate before I can get it to latch again. It is not intuitive to program the centrifuge to pre-cool prior to centrifugation. I recommend that option be a button on the menu or more intuitive. NuAire Quality Statement The purpose of our quality system is to provide assurance to our customers that NuAire products are manufactured using internationally-accepted standards of performance. To accomplish this, we use a quality management system structured to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 (medical device) requirements. The standards also allow others, including ourselves, to assess our ability to meet customer and regulatory requirements. NuAire Quality Policy It is NuAire Quality Policy to: Our commitment to sustainability extends to purchasing or using products that reduce energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, minimize pollution, and/or use recycled content that will not deplete natural resources. We give back to the community through product training programs and our participation in many professional organizations. Our employees are empowered to be eco-friendly to find creative ways to sustain NuAire’s commitment to the world in which we all live. Our plan includes continually trying to use more recycled materials in our Biological Safety Cabinet's through design, supplier part, and process improvements.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
February 27, 2002
Age - 23 years
Home State
Company Type
Foreign for Profit


(763) 553-1270
(800) 328-3352


Principal Address

See Also

Officers and Directors

The NUAIRE, INC. managed by the three persons from PLYMOUTH, Plymouth on following positions: President, Vice President

William F Peters

President Active

James O Sande

Vice President Active

John Peters

Vice President Active
Plymouth, MN, 55447

Registered Agent is Chelsea Chase

St. Petersburg, 33710

Annual Reports

February 12, 2024
March 7, 2023