As I sit here and write this post, I can’t help but remember that time Kanye West admitted how deeply in debt he was or the six times Donald Trump filed business bankruptcies. I mean when we think about people like Kanye West and Donald Trump we think of wealth, lavish lifestyles and money dripping from the kitchen sink. So, how do two seemingly wealthy people get into bigly amounts of debt? Believe it or not, your perception about wealth, affluence, social status and money can either help you or hinder you on your financial journey. Most people will compare their finances to their friends, I know I’ve been guilty of the “oh I saw so-and-so got a new Mercedes Benz, she must be doing really well. I wonder how much more she makes than me?” But, there are so many things wrong with that mentality, the first being envy is such an ugly trait and secondly, wealth cannot be measured in such material things. If you perceive cars, houses, boats, shoes, purses, and anything you can think of as wealthy, then I’d encourage you to change your perspective. Look at money differently, look at it as a tool to help you live a comfortable life, a stress-free life, a happy and healthy life. Just because people own fancy things, doesn’t mean they have all the above. Having financial stability isn’t a competition, its a personal journey. I think it’s more than the objective fact of what’s in my bank account and the overall concept of money and possessions. I think of my health and the health of my loved ones. I think of my friends and the joy they bring me. I think of my faith and my spiritual growth. I think of my career and the difference I’m making in my community. These things make me feel wealthy and this feeling is beyond my personal net worth. Can I go and buy a yacht tomorrow, hell no! Do I have Kim K’s bank account, LOL! But what I can do tomorrow is enjoy the day with the people I love and have a positive attitude towards my life and the financial circumstance I am in. As I sit here and write this post, I can’t help but remember that time Kanye West admitted how deeply in debt he was or the six times Donald Trump filed business bankruptcies. I mean when we think about people like Kanye West and Donald Trump we think of wealth, lavish lifestyles and money dripping from the kitchen sink. So, how do two seemingly wealthy people get into bigly amounts of debt? Believe it or not, your perception about wealth, affluence, social status and money can either help you or hinder you on your financial journey. Most people will compare their finances to their friends, I know I’ve been guilty of the “oh I saw so-and-so got a new Mercedes Benz, she must be doing really well. I wonder how much more she makes than me?” But, there are so many things wrong with that mentality, the first being envy is such an ugly trait and secondly, wealth cannot be measured in such material things. If you perceive cars, houses, boats, shoes, purses, and anything you can think of as wealthy, then I’d encourage you to change your perspective. Look at money differently, look at it as a tool to help you live a comfortable life, a stress-free life, a happy and healthy life. Just because people own fancy things, doesn’t mean they have all the above. Having financial stability isn’t a competition, its a personal journey. I think it’s more than the objective fact of what’s in my bank account and the overall concept of money and possessions. I think of my health and the health of my loved ones. I think of my friends and the joy they bring me. I think of my faith and my spiritual growth. I think of my career and the difference I’m making in my community. These things make me feel wealthy and this feeling is beyond my personal net worth. Can I go and buy a yacht tomorrow, hell no! Do I have Kim K’s bank account, LOL! But what I can do tomorrow is enjoy the day with the people I love and have a positive attitude towards my life and the financial circumstance I am in. I’m writing to let you know of an update and some changes. We are transitioning to and here’s why: Over the past 2 months, Vania and I have been working with a team of designers and engineers to develop a really cool product! We are projecting this product to be in market in 8-12 months. As you may know, financial literacy in this country is only at 57% and we are focused on creating a solution for the remaining 43% of the population. That is why MoneyQlip and the product we are developing fundamentally carry the same purpose as the blog when we first started this project. Our mission remains to educate, to empower, and to inspire our readers in their journey to financial freedom and to build wealth! Developing this product involves new marketing and branding and that is why we are starting to make this change and it begins with our blog. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions – [email protected] I’m writing to let you know of an update and some changes. We are transitioning to and here’s why: Over the past 2 months, Vania and I have been working with a team of designers and engineers to develop a really cool product! We are projecting this product to be in market in 8-12 months. As you may know, financial literacy in this country is only at 57% and we are focused on creating a solution for the remaining 43% of the population. That is why MoneyQlip and the product we are developing fundamentally carry the same purpose as the blog when we first started this project. Our mission remains to educate, to empower, and to inspire our readers in their journey to financial freedom and to build wealth! Developing this product involves new marketing and branding and that is why we are starting to make this change and it begins with our blog. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions – [email protected]


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
August 18, 2017
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address
1167 SW 120TH WAY,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The MONEYQLIP LLC managed by the one person from DAVIE on following positions: Authorized Member

Alejandro J Castro

Authorized Member Active
DAVIE, 33325

Registered Agent is Alejandro J Castro

DAVIE, 33325


September 28, 2018