Feels sad, fatigued, helpless, or hopeless. But, more importantly, I’m on a mission. Now, in addition to my training as a psychiatrist, I’m also board-certified in integrative and holistic medicine, helping women get healthy and happy – without drugs. I help women break down the myths and misconceptions of an outdated and broken health care system that is keeping them sick, confused, and dependent. And, instead, give them the knowledge and tools to return to the happier, healthier person they were born to be. Naturally. Frustrated that the medical advice and solutions you’ve been given are not working for you – and maybe even making you sicker? Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a Manhattan-based holistic women’s health psychiatrist, author of the NY Times Bestselling book, Well, like I said, over a few years, I gained a lot of weight. And I’ve always worked out and ate healthy, and I would just keep gaining weight. I gained almost like 35 lbs. And then, when I asked my doctor sometimes, “Oh, well, do you think it could be because of the anti-depressants?” he would say, “No, I don’t think so because Celexa usually make people gain weight and you’re on a really low dose.” So I was like, “Okay! Maybe it’s just my metabolism or whatever.” But then, all of a sudden, I think I was off of them for maybe almost two to three months, and I lost 10 lbs. And then, within two or three weeks, I lost probably 20 lbs… in two weeks! It was crazy! I’m a little bit overweight, but it was water weight or what it was. But people were just like, “Oh, what are you doing? You look so different.” So I know that’s what it was because it was as soon as I got off of them. A little bit of time went by, it’s like my body re-calibrated. And now I’m back to where I was—just my normal, healthy me. It’s not all about weight and how you look. But when you feel so uncomfortable in your body, you don’t even want to go or have lunch with even my friends or go on dates or anything like this. It really starts to play a hand at you from doing a lot of things because you’re so, so conscious. It sounds like the lesser evil. Well, what’s incredible is there’s just no informed consent there. There was no discussion. And I was absolutely guilty of this as a prescriber. There’s no discussion of what are the short- and long-term risks, what is this medication doing, what else could you be doing instead of that. It’s just treated like some sort of like, “Why not? Better safe than sorry” kind of a thing. And meanwhile, for a good chunk of your life, you were living it really not as yourself, not in your own skin. And granted, there needed to be—as I’m seeing you’re aware—these pillars of self-care put in place in order for you to have the strength to move through your own process and your journey clearer, with clarity. So, if you didn’t know that that was an important component, then maybe you would have reverted to using substances. Yeah. I mean, he never offered alternatives. “Well, you can take these, and that might help. Or you can try to just do some more exercise and maybe find a group of like-minded people,” just other—like you said, these different pillars or ways to kind of work through what I needed to work through and not just putting that second band-aid or whatever. Oh, yeah. That’s probably the biggest thing that’s come back into my life. Before this, I was never really a spiritual person. So it’s like the one, big thing that I’ve been discovering and making a part of my life. It’s exciting! You kind of have to just accept that. There is this bigger power and that we are having a human experience. We’re spiritual beings having a human experience—that’s this one quote I keep hearing. When we start to think of things that way, it’s like there’s just so much possibility. Our souls never die. This is just one body that we have (if you even believe in all that). But yeah, the possibility is just endless. And you feel like you have a support system just knowing that the Universe is behind you or something bigger or whatever it is that you believe in. And again, before that, I think taking the anti-depressants […] and just getting through the day, I never thought in terms of spirituality and having this soul. You know what I mean? I do! And I wouldn't have even five years ago. But it’s become so apparent to me that for women—I’ll say specifically just because that’s been my clinical focus—to come into this space of spiritual awakening, divine femininity, personal transformation, coming off of anti-depressants specifically seems like a critical part of that process. And I don’t think we totally understand why it is because we don’t totally even understand what these medications do or how they interact with human consciousness. We only really understand what they do on a neurochemical level. But it’s been my observation that coming off of psychiatric medication is a form of self-initiation right now for people and for women specifically. And your experience so echoes that. It’s powerful to me that it doesn’t necessarily have to be some cataclysmic event or some, I don’t know—you don’t have to be in bed for 18 months, moving through some, as I’ve said, dark night of the soul. But it could be this sort of self-directed, gentle awakening process that we’re sort of being ushered into a more spiritual realm where things just start to make sense in a deep way, our soul level. Your experience is such a beautiful example of that and helpful to flesh out the landscape of what this could look like. The treatment space has been thoughtfully decorated with no-emission furnishings, textiles, and paint to support your health and wellness. . Due to a high volume of inquiries, we are not able to return phone calls until your application has been received. Dr. Brogan is an out of network provider and the code for the consultation is 90792 if you’d like to check on your plan.


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The KELLY BROGAN, M.D., INC. managed by the one person from MIAMI on following positions: DIRE

Kelly M.D. Brogan

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MIAMI, 33133


April 21, 2021

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March 12, 2019