Innovation Compounding is a compounding pharmacy that supports over 6000 prescribers, 65,000 patients and annually provides 60,000 prescriptions across the nation. We commit to individualized pharmaceutical care through being Relentless in our drive for personalized medicine, Compassionate toward our patients and doctors, as well as being a Wellness Advocate for our patients’ lives and state of well being. OUR MISSION IS TO: Be the market leader in delivering high quality pharmaceutically compounded products to patients. We are licensed to ship to the states indicated on the map. NEED HELP? Have a question that hasn’t been addressed? Please feel free to Contact Us any time and we’ll be glad to help. Innovation Compounding is a compounding pharmacy that supports over 6000 prescribers, 65,000 patients and annually provides 60,000 prescriptions across the nation. We commit to individualized pharmaceutical care through being Relentless in our drive for personalized medicine, Compassionate toward our patients and doctors, as well as being a Wellness Advocate for our patients’ lives and state of well being. OUR MISSION IS TO: Be the market leader in delivering high quality pharmaceutically compounded products to patients. We are licensed to ship to the states indicated on the map. NEED HELP? Have a question that hasn’t been addressed? Please feel free to Contact Us any time and we’ll be glad to help. Thank you for your interest in Innovation Compounding We are delighted that you are looking for a pharmacy that can help meet your custom medication needs. Since we are a compounding-only pharmacy, we are relentless in achieving the highest quality product available. In conjunction to a team of pharmacists who are compassionate in supporting you and your medication needs, we ship medications across the nation. If you are looking for a team of healthcare professionals who can help you bridge the gap between living and living well, feel free to rely on the Innovation Compounding Team for support. Our staff is full of compassionate health care professionals ready to counsel practitioners and patients alike. We’re here to listen to you, research your needs, and provide you with not only medication, but also the knowledge to reach your desired health goals. Information contained on this site is provided as an informational aide and for reference use only. The content herein is not intended to be, act as, or replace medical advice or diagnosis for individual health conditions nor is it making evaluations as to the risks or benefits of particular preparations. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional about diagnosis and treatment. Information and statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Nutrition Therapy provides patients with vitamins, minerals, and other naturally occurring nutritional substances in a variety of ways. Help patient's achieve a healthier, better way of life with a wide variety of injectable and oral nutritional preparations that are best suited for every patient's nutritional needs. Healthy skin is the reflection of a healthy body. Just as every face has its own unique features, so are the custom medication therapies prepared by Innovation Compounding. We provide a variety of dermatology products to suit your patient's skin care needs. Compounded medications are frequently used to treat a wide range of men’s health conditions relating to low testosterone, low libido, low energy, and other conditions. We offer a variety of compounded preparations to help treat issues including: andropause, erectile dysfunction, and chronic prostatitis. We know that many patients struggle with weight management and offer variety of weight loss solutions to help your patients achieve a healthier, better quality of life. Support your patient's weight loss goals with: vitamin injectables, appetite suppressants, satiety capsules, and skin creams. Many patients struggling with chronic pain or living with the side effects of pain medication has become a way of life. We provide compounded pharmaceutical answers to help manage your patient's pain for: bone and joint conditions, muscle pain, neuropathies, and combination nociceptive neuropathies. The Prescriber's Portal: Our Arsenal of Clinical Information - Innovation Compounding has enhanced its Prescriber's Portal to provide you, the prescriber, quick and easy access to information surrounding pharmaceutically compounded products. As demand for compounded medications rises, demand for enhanced, professional standards do as well. Innovation Compounding was awarded certification from the Pharmaceutical Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) as meeting the highest standard for compounding pharmacies. This certification has been awarded to less than 2% of all compounding pharmacies. In addition to achieving PCAB Status, we also have been inspected by FDA, and are proud to state that we are the first high-risk sterile compounding pharmacy that did not receive a plan of corrective action (483). We are very proud to dispense only the highest quality medications! Our mission is to be committed to pharmaceutical care through being relentless in our drive for personalized medicine, exhibiting compassion toward our patients and serving as a wellness advocate for our patients' lives and state of well being. To fulfill that mission, we offer specialized medications and targeted supplements that work to enhance our patients’ lives. We specialize in women’s health, men’s health, weight loss, IV nutrition, pain management, dermatology, and allergy. Our staff of health care professionals is here to help you and function as an extension of your practice. Our Doctor of Pharmacy Clinical Team has extensive knowledge and experience customizing medications to meet your patients’ needs. Practitioners deserve information to provide effective therapy and we will provide you the best evidence available to substantiate our recommendations. In addition to researching unique therapy options for your patients, we also provide quick and easy access to information for commonly compounded medications through our Compounding Compass.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
September 10, 2012
Home State
Company Type
Foreign for Profit


(800) 547-1399
(866) 635-2329


Principal Address

See Also

Officers and Directors

The INNOVATION COMPOUNDING, INC. managed by the one person from MARIETTA on following positions: President

Shawn Hodges

President Active


January 21, 2022

Annual Reports

April 27, 2021
April 23, 2020