Sharon is a multi-dimensional Spiritual Healer focusing on "Matters of the Heart." Her teachings are based on her personal understandings and beliefs that balance transmutes all healing, and her deep desire to share this healing with others. Her work is rooted in the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that much illness whether it be physical, emotional, or physiological comes from the distorted seeds planted deep within, at the root of all is the illness of our spirit. Her teachings have one purpose, to embolden others in the healing of their own spirit. Sharon teaches that our deepest spiritual wounds are just the illusion of being separate from the Source that created us, it is only the trickery of our minds that creates our sense of separation. She is a bringer of light helping the awakening of one’s soul to its truest and most natural knowing, that Divine love through the balancing of our mind, body, and spirit is the seeds of wisdom to all healing. Her natural abilities to discern and transmute energy comes from a heart of compassion and a deep desire to help bring about this spiritual awakening and healing in others. She is light, a guide here to awaken the consciousness of one’s soul and the discovery of our truth. Spiritual and physical healing and growth is the positive change one experiences when the energies of our mind, body, and spirits become aligned with our HEARTS opening us up to our true power which exists at a higher vibrational level which has led to profound and positive changes in both her life the lives of those she shares her message with. Stay firmly-rooted on your own journey, feel supported with new posts, events, and other important news we send out, sign up today! Simple to opt out at any time! My name is Sharon Pannone, I have been on a quest for the last 33 years of my life to understand who I AM, and why my life has had such a fluctuation of fleeting moments of happiness and much suffering. To understand why it was that even when I recognized my patterns of self-sabotage and strong feelings of unworthiness I was never able to shake them, never able to make lasting changes no matter how much money I invested in my “personal growth” through seminars, books, videos, and online workshops. The one question I was focused on for the last three years has been “WHY” why was it I always reverted back to my old patterns even though I was aware of them. I had my spiritual faith in a loving Source, I was doing the work, I am intelligent and was understanding what was being taught, yet, in the pit of my stomach, I knew sometime soon my happiness would fade and this vicious self-defeating monster in my mind would rise up yet again even bigger, it's only mission to deepen the distance of that crevasse dividing me from the life I visualized, the one I could see on the other side of this ever expanding crevasse, why and how can I end this battle within my own mind once and for all? What is shared here on the website along with extended learning through webinars, workshops, and individual one-one sessions are “seeds of wisdom,” uncovered and acquired along my personal journey of self- discovery. Helping to shed some light on the questions, How do we live in a state of alignment with the Universe we are part of allowing us to fully experience all the possibilities that exist for us? It has taken me years to uncover what is shared here funny thing is, it already existed I just couldn't see it until I began an internal journey of self-discovery, the Universe has a sense of humor and knows we humans are sometimes slow learners. When we are ready the Universe begins to reveal its truth. My personal life journey is unique, as is yours, what I share are my personal seeds of wisdom, take only what resonates with you remembering each of us is unique and beautiful. My deepest passions have always been around personal growth, nature, and being of service to others through love and gratitude. My life path unfolded along a road less traveled which has led me to look at the world through a HEART of light and love, to be true to myself and authentic in my purpose, striving each day to become more rather than fall into the illusion of less.Once I made a clear decision to no longer give focus to the false illusion mindset rooted in fear of the unknown instead choosing a higher energy vibration of focusing on happiness and excitement when it came to the unknown now having a deeper understanding of my connection with the Divine Source of Creation and it's powerful never ending connection in my life through clear energetic thoughts of positive intentions and began to imagine and radiate those into the Universe my life changed before my eyes. There are many of us who teach and share what we have learned from our own life experiences helping others to pull back the veil of illusion that has kept humanity in a state of powerlessness far too long, exposing the truth of who we really are and assisting others as they begin their own journey of discovery and AWAKENING that they have the seeds of creation within them. Divine Imagination Consulting was birthed to expose the cracks that we all have whitewashed over in our lives and in the world. I have learned that whitewashing is not the answer if we are unable to acknowledge what is not working it will only get worse which has led to immense and unnecessary suffering, and disease in our world today based primarily on the limiting beliefs that keep us in bondage. I will no longer participate in the whitewashing, the false illusions that are fed to us daily by those wanting to keep us powerless, and that includes the negative self-talk we feed ourselves. I will no longer participate nor enable myself or others to hide from our greatness. Divine Imagination Consulting is here to radiate a light outward into the darkness of false illusions, to share knowledge and wisdom that exists for us to QUESTION who we truly are, allowing us to choose a new state of being. I am sharing this from a place of understanding that the Universe within each of us holds all the answers we seek, the Universe I speak of is within, not outside of us. Without going within we are unable to discover the truth of ourselves and connect with our true energies and power. I have an understanding, a sense of true knowledge that we are not separate from anything, we are connected to everything, created and connected by this GREAT ENERGETIC FORCE that creates ALL that exists. The key is found through learning to connect with our own heart energy, this is where the transformation we desire in our lives resides and ALL infinite possibilities are created from a state of pure Gratitude.This work unites spirituality and science helping to answer the questions you find yourself asking. Who AM I, and Why AM I here?


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Date of Incorporation
October 17, 2017
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Company Type
Florida Limited Liability


(941) 321-7157


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Officers and Directors

The DIVINE IMAGINATION CONSULTING LLC managed by the one person from SARASOTA on following positions: Chief Executive Officer

Sharon M Pannone

Chief Executive Officer Active

Registered Agent is Sharon M Pannone



September 28, 2018