Billy and Shelisa Hull are called as a powerful prophetic voice to this generation. They minister with a passion to see people whole, delivered, set free and full of joy. They believe that everything needed to experience the supernatural life is already inside of us. Together it is their desire to teach people how to tap into their potential by revealing the KEYS found in the Word of God that will help them unlock the secrets to fulfillment and success in marriage, family, business and life.
In 2012, they partnered with Pastors Dave and Jennifer Ragan, who founded Destiny People Worship Center (DPWC). Billy and Shelisa have now taken the reigns as Lead Pastors at DPWC of Macclenny. They are committed to building up a team of Kingdom ambassadors who will join them in tearing down the walls of racism, poverty, religion and tradition in this region. Billy and Shelisa want to invite you to join them in this mission to radically advance the Kingdom and make an impact on this generation.
Equipped with a sharpened gift for teaching and preaching, Dave and Jennifer know how vitally important it is to impart the rhema word of God to this generation without compromise. Called to the ascension gifts of apostle and prophet, Dave and Jennifer are under the spiritual covering of the IPHC, as well as Mark Chironna, and Dr.'s David and Vernette Rosier. Dave and Jennifer are the founders of Destiny People Worship Center, Inc. (DPWC) in Macclenny Florida. DPWC is an aggressively vibrant church radically demolishing walls of racism, poverty, religion and tradition. DPWC is the culmination of years of preparation and vision casting, and truly the spiritual offspring of these pioneers.
In June of 2000, God began laying out for what was to become Destiny People Worship Center. Acting in obedience to the voice of God, Pastors Dave and Jennifer moved to Macclenny, Florida in August of 2000. They began Destiny People Worship Center in their home on July 5, 2001, with just a handful of people in attendance and four months later, started their first Sunday morning service. The word continued to spread and people who were hungry for relevance and truth began to connect with the Vision. The praise was powerful, the worship honest, and the preaching was without compromise. Destiny later moved to its permanent location on State Rd. 121, occupying close to ten acres of beautiful land.
The D-Path are classes designed to help our guests understand the vision and mission of Destiny as it relates to them and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. These four classes are offered to help people get established in the family at Destiny as they discover their gifts and purpose. The classes are referred to by number as D1, D2, D3 and D4 with each covering different topics. They are cyclical beginning with D1 and ending with D4 and take place each month on Saturday evenings at 5:00 p.m. D1 takes place the first Saturday of the month and the rest follow in numeric order each month. The class format is designed so that if you miss a class one month you can make it up the next!
At Pizza with the Pastors you will learn the vision and mission of the church from one of our Pastors. You will also learn how to explain why you are a Disciple of Christ and not a Hindu, Muslim or any other belief. You will also hear why God leaves us here & what He wants each of us individually to do.
Together we will take a look at how your gifting and passions relate to what God is doing through the ministries and outreaches of Destiny.
, prior to this divine visitation, Jesus told this group to stay in Jerusalem until they experienced a spiritual injection of power. Luke tell’s us that on the morning of Pentecost, Holy Spirit not only entered the room where these 120 were gathered, but that He also entered there spirits. This caused them to be filled with Holy Spirit. As a direct result, there was evidence of this in filling. The most common sign of the in filling of Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues, but the bible does not give direction that we should look for this as a sign of one being filled. It does, however, tell us of nine gifts that accompany Holy Spirit (
tells us that we (those who believe in Jesus) should be Holy just as Jesus was Holy. Being Holy is not determined by a pattern of systematic do's and dont’s. It is, on the other hand, a way in which you think and live. Holiness is not determined by what you wear, what you watch, what you do, or how you do it. It is determined on the inside. Holiness in the life of a believer is not seen on the outside but lived out and practiced on the inside and experienced by those around you. The way to live Holy is clearly spelled out in God's word, but you must study God's word thoroughly to have an understanding of this way of living. Being Holy is living like Jesus. Just a helpful hint though, it's a whole lot easier than everyone thinks! (
US Businesses
Companies in Florida
Baker County Companies
- Company name
- Status
- Active
- Filed Number
- N01000005257
- FEI Number
- 593740307
- Date of Incorporation
July 23, 2001
Age - 24 years
- Home State
- FL
- Company Type
- Domestic Non Profit
- Website
- Phones
(904) 259-9780
- Principal Address
- 7445 S. STATE RD. 121,
See Also