As a student at Fuller Theological Seminary, studying late one night for a Greek exam, Bill Bright receives a unique impression from God to invest his life in helping reach the entire world, starting with college students. A professor friend suggests “Campus Crusade for Christ” as the name of the new ministry. In the fall, Bill and his wife, Vonette, start Campus Crusade (now known as Cru in the U.S.) at UCLA with the backing of a 24-hour prayer chain. Cru becomes international as Dr. Joon Gon Kim launches the work in South Korea. Over the next 40 years, South Korea moves from a missionary-receiving nation to one that sends them, with 271 Korean Campus Crusade for Christ staff members and disciples serving in 23 other countries around the world today. At the eleventh hour, God provides every last penny for the purchase of Arrowhead Springs. The resort complex in San Bernardino, CA, becomes Cru's headquarters for the next three decades. With contemporary music lyrics gaining significance in youth culture through performers like The Beatles and Bob Dylan, Cru develops its own life-changing music group. The New Folk helps lead many to a personal relationship with Christ through carefully designed concerts incorporating secular music. Cru sends its first team of students to the Soviet Union. Under the code name “Northstar,” this summer mission project highlights an influx of covert ministry activity in Eastern Europe, which accelerates openly after the fall of the Iron Curtain. EXPLO 85, a worldwide video conference, links an estimated 300,000 delegates at 98 conference sites on five continents, with the help of 18 satellites. Bill Bright defies jet lag while spending one day on all five continents. Cru launches New Life 2000®. This initiative brings Cru ministries under one umbrella in cooperation with Christians worldwide, with a goal of helping lead at least 1 billion people to Christ. The CoMission unites more than 60 Christian organizations, including Cru, in the pursuit of making the most of the new-found spiritual openness in the former Soviet Union. The CoMission foreshadows the explosion of cooperative efforts in the church at large, such as The Macedonian Project and Mission America. Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others and helping the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship through We are committed to the centrality of the cross, the truth of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit and the global scope of the Great Commission. We accept those areas of doctrinal teaching on which, historically, there has been general agreement among all true Christians. Because of the specialized calling of our movement, we desire to allow for freedom of conviction on other doctrinal matters, provided that any interpretation is based upon the Bible alone, and that no such interpretation shall become an issue which hinders the ministry to which God has called us. It is the privilege of all who are born again of the Spirit to be assured of their salvation from the very moment in which they trust Christ as their Savior. This assurance is not based upon any kind of human merit, but is produced by the witness of the Holy Spirit, who confirms in the believer the testimony of God in His written word. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded all believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to disciple people from every nation. The fulfillment of that Great Commission requires that all worldly and personal ambitions be subordinated to a total commitment to “Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.” When the global church comes together to accomplish the Great Commission – in their village, in their country and throughout the world – it is simply beautiful to behold. While there remains much to do, it is only right to step back during a time like this and thank God for what He is doing. This value says that, as an organization, we are committed to the maturity of the people God has entrusted to us. This challenges us to develop multiplying leaders who care for people. We focus our efforts on discipleship — both in ourselves and in others — pursuing character change rather than simply completing a training program. This value refers to not only individual growth, but also our collective growth. Fruitfulness means that, as an organization, we are willing to examine the results of our efforts. Specifically, we look for people to come to Christ, to be changing into conformity with Christ, and to take His message to the world. It drives us to focus on not just our activity, but also our effectiveness. Because the Lord has entrusted so much to us, we strive to be good stewards, seeking the best return for our efforts. In the previous section, Luke 12:13-21, Jesus warns about greed by telling the parable of the rich fool. Verses 22-34 flow naturally from this topic, as Jesus tells His disciples that in contrast to greed, they can trust God to provide for their needs. In the previous section, Luke 12:13-21, Jesus warns about greed by telling the parable of the rich fool. Verses 22-34 flow naturally from this topic, as Jesus tells His disciples that in contrast to greed, they can trust God to provide for their needs. When we focus on this world rather than the kingdom of God, not trusting the Father to provide what we need, we experience worry and fear and we miss out on finding joy in His provision for us. When we focus on this world rather than the kingdom of God, not trusting the Father to provide what we need, we experience worry and fear and we miss out on finding joy in His provision for us. In what ways have you already seen God provide and take care of you? Given how you’ve seen God provide and take care of you, why do you think you still struggle with worry? Jesus begins with the futility of worry. In the first century, worry centered around food and clothing. He gives these issues explicit treatment, returning to a familiar form of Jewish teaching — an argument from the lesser to the greater. Jesus notes that God provides food for the birds and clothing for the flowers and then He asks, “How much more valuable are you than birds?” The answer is obvious — a great deal more.


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Date of Incorporation
December 9, 2013
Age - 12 years
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Company Type
Foreign Non Profit


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See Also

Officers and Directors

The CRU GLOBAL, INC. managed by the three persons from ORLANDO on following positions: Vice President, Director, Secretary

Mark A Gauthier

Vice President Active

Steve Sellers

Director Active

Barbara Bouchard

Secretary Active

Registered Agent is C T CORPORATION SYSTEM


Annual Reports

February 1, 2024
April 13, 2023