CrossFit Havoc has been an Official CrossFit Affiliate since January 2009. We have seen every ability level and are ready to help you get FIT FOR LIFE! The experience at a CrossFit gym is totally different from a “regular” gym. We workout together. We motivate and encourage each other. We push to find out what we are capable of. We come from all walks of life and all ability levels. I was never the sports girl growing up. I tried Soft Ball and Volleyball but nothing seemed to stick. My husband Jim tried to get me to work out with him for 8 years. I couldn’t be convinced that working out needed to be a part of my life. Then one day in 2010 I decided to try CrossFit. Guess what? It had to be my decision. That is what it takes. You have to decide to make the change for yourself, no one else can make it for you. I was soon hooked on the new challenge I had given myself. Now I am in better shape then ever in my life and continue to seek new challenges in the gym. Striving to become a better CrossFit athlete helps keep me motivated and continue to love training. My husband Jim was my biggest inspiration for becoming a coach. Watching him train people to reach goals that they never thought they could achieve was fulfilling even though I was not doing the coaching. I constantly listened to Jim train and coach and soon felt that coaching was turning into a passion of mine too. In 2012 I got my CrossFit Level 1 Certificate and started coaching at our gym. Nothing is better then helping someone beat a personal record or learn to do something they never thought they could do. I’ve been playing sports since I was 4 years old; whether it was at the peewee, high school, intramural, or college level. I was always one of those “power lifters” / Monday – chest and triceps, Tuesday – back and biceps, ect. I saw results and gained mediocre strength but it was a slow methodical gain with periods of plateau that caused me to lose motivation or take an extended break. I was not and am not a runner so my cardio has never been that strong. I began my career in law enforcement in 2009 and began to lose the time and motivation due to the schedule forcing me to work odd hours and my overall lack of energy. I became stuck in a rut until one day I was training at work with a coworker and he invited me to workout with some other employees. We began doing this workout with box jumps, Turkish getups, pushups, dips, and other non-familiar difficult things. When I asked what this was called I was told “CrossFit.” I had heard of CrossFit but only the typical negative hater comments from other “power lifters.” I continued training with my coworkers for a few weeks in the afternoon until one day I came and they weren’t there. I saw them later and they told me they started training at a CrossFit gym called Havoc close by. I got the invite and began training there. There was a lot of strength training right off the bat so I was hooked on that but I struggled with flexibility/mobility. I’m a very competitive person so what I lacked in the cardio areas I made up for in certain strength areas. Before I knew it I was gaining ground on the cardio people and still excelling in the strength areas. Don’t get me wrong I struggled and still struggle in plenty of the strength and cardio areas. I have come a long way in flexibility/mobility but I continued to struggle everyday with them and several other skills/modalities. What I slowly began to realize is that I made more progress in my overall fitness, strength, performance, motivation, and quality of life in the year and a half that I was doing CrossFit than the fifteen years I was “power lifting.” I couldn’t say a particular day, week, or month when it happened but I can say for sure that I am addicted to CrossFit. I’m currently feeding my addiction at CrossFit Havoc Monday through Sunday and have no plans of slowing down. Whether it was though his teaching, working out with us as a group, his terrible music choices, terrible jokes, terrible dancing, and big heart Jim has been motivating me ever since I began working out at CrossFit Havoc. I slowly began helping him give coaching ques to my friends who were training in the classes with me. Both Jim and Natasha approached me and told me I’d make a good coach. Over time I saw I was helping my friends make progress and realized I might enjoy this more than just a little. In 2014 I took the level one certification down in Miami, FL and began interning as soon as I could. I gained a lot of coaching techniques, verbage, and time management from both Jim and Natasha. I began training on my own after a couple months and the feeling is pretty awesome. To help someone who I struggling with a skill or movement improve is an amazing feeling that I relish. I am looking forward to teaching more and more as soon as time becomes available. CrossFit Havoc has been an Official CrossFit Affiliate since January 2009. We have seen every ability level and are ready to help you get FIT FOR LIFE! The experience at a CrossFit gym is totally different from a “regular” gym. We workout together. We motivate and encourage each other. We push to find out what we are capable of. We come from all walks of life and all ability levels. Jim and crew, thank you so much for letting me drop in at your box! I learned a couple new moves and had a great time! I do like it warm but Lawton was crazy hot that week. I’ll try to arrange my next TDY out there for a cooler time of year. In the meantime, I have been encouraging my friends at Sill to check you out. Hope you get some more business real soon!


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
April 11, 2014
Age - 11 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability


(941) 722-3366


Principal Address
801 7TH AVE W,
Mailing Address
5889 Bungalow Grove CT,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The CROSSFIT HAVOC, LLC managed by the two persons from Palmetto on following positions: Authorized Member

Natasha Denofa

Authorized Member Active
Palmetto, 34221

James Denofa

Authorized Member Active
Palmetto, 34221

Registered Agent is James Denofa

Palmetto, 34221

Annual Reports

January 23, 2024
January 19, 2023