Discuss any aspect of your business Any Questions Or Concerns, Contact Us at [email protected] Tight knit and hyper-focused on your products & business What you see is what you get. No up-sells, hidden fees, or anything of that nature We don't spam email lists for your product launches We construct a 100% unique and customized facebook ad based around your product launch No pre-made cookie cutter product listing templates. Every single aspect of your listing is hand crafted from scratch. (no 2 listings will be the same) Smaller and hyper-focused on your products What you see is what you get. No up-sells, hidden fees, or anything of that nature Don't spam email lists for your product launches Construct a 100% unique and customized facebook ad based around your product launch No pre-made cookie cutter product listing templates. Every single aspect of your listing is hand crafted from scratch. (no 2 listings will be the same) In some ways yes. We offer similar services to Viral Launch. But the differences are that we don't make you pay a monthly re-curing fee for new product listings, or product launches. We also offer sponsored ads management. Make no mistake, Viral Launch is a solid, upstanding company, but please be weary of services that blast emails out to the same list of people over and over again. Amazon can recognize this pattern and in our opinion is well aware of which people are continuously purchasing discounted products. This type of scenario has the potential to be problematic. Why We're Different? We launch your products using the perfect combination of a 3-5 day email blast, PLUS a 100% customized and targeted Facebook Ad. Meaning your sales are going to be highly diversified and coming from different buyers (mainly Facebook) each and every time. Hence leaving no footprint... Also please note that Amazon highly values traffic being driven from high authority external sites such as Facebook. This means more ranking juice and less giveaways are required. Once you apply, we will get back to you in 1-2 days. We will use this time to look over your products and tell you exactly what your potential is on Amazon with those products. During this call we will also go over what you're interested in, and any questions you may have. Once your decided on a particular service, we will email you with an order form where you will be able to pay. Once paid in full, we will begin our work ASAP. Purchase using the buttons above. Once your order is confirmed, we'll follow up via email to proceed. Yes and No. You are responsible for your own product images. We will offer you advice and have many resources to guide you in the right direction. Yes. We will email you a paypal invoice every month detailing your sponsored ads earnings, and what amount you owe back to us (20%). We will include screen shots showing the exact numbers so we will always be on the same page.The same applies to our "Full Scale Amazon Business Management" service. Yes, as of now we only offer our services on the platform. We are looking to expand internationally in the near future. We think this is the best way to structure ads management. It has been our preferred method by far. Allow me to explain why... First of all... the monthly fees we charge you are 50-60% less than the industry average. You see this 20% "ad share" is a huge reason why we're able to get our customers such amazing results. It's a total win-win for both parties involved. Knowing that we get 20% of the money we generate with your ads, that incentivizes us to make an extra effort to absolutely crush it! This also means that you're going to make a heck of a lot more money! Basically, we're going to put money in your pocket that you would otherwise never have, then you just pay us back a small percentage of that new found money. I hope you can see now why this payment structure works so well. That's totally up to you. In our opinion we offer incredible value in comparison to your investment. The opportunity to be able to come right out of the gate with a "fully optimized machine" of a listing gives you a leg up on 95% of the other sellers on Amazon. We've been selling on Amazon and helping others for several years now. It's safe to say that we have this down to a science. You have absolutely nothing to lose by simply applying and talking with Pete Coulis, the CEO. At the very least you'll learn a lot from speaking with him! Due to the fact that creating a brand new listing from scratch, as well as optimizing a sinking listing account for many hours of time, there are absolutely no refunds. Our only guarantee is that we will put 100% effort and attention to detail with your product. For the Sponsored Ad Management service, and full scale business management service, you may cancel your subscription after 6 months. Once you apply, and if we accept you, the contact agreement will have all the details. As stated above, this is not meant to be unfair in any way. This is actually done to protect us. In order to avoid someone signing up for 1 month, having us set up their entire business, then cancelling the next day. This would be abusive. I sincerely hope you can understand that. If you have a pressing concern, or somehow our service didn't deliver in some way, we would certainly refund your money. Contact [email protected] if you ever have an issue and we'll get sorted out - no questions asked. Are you going to have access to my amazon seller account? For ongoing services like "Full Scale Amazon Business Management" AND "Sponsored Ads Management" For one-off services like writing your product listing and launching your product. [email protected] Discuss any aspect of your business Any Questions Or Concerns, Contact Us at [email protected] Tight knit and hyper-focused on your products & business What you see is what you get. No up-sells, hidden fees, or anything of that nature We don't spam email lists for your product launches We construct a 100% unique and customized facebook ad based around your product launch


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
July 26, 2016
Age - 8 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address
Mailing Address
225 1st Ave N,
St. Petersburg,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The COUL PRODUCTS, LLC managed by the one person from BRADENTON on following positions: Manager

Peter Coulis

Manager Active

Registered Agent is NRAI SERVICES, INC.


Annual Reports

February 1, 2024
March 16, 2023