Colin DeWaay holds Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist certifications with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He is the owner of Colin DeWaay Training LLC, an online strength and nutrition consulting business that fully customizes training and nutrition programs for those interested in general fitness all the way up to advanced powerlifting programs. He specializes in helping people with a history of yoyo dieting create a more sustainable healthy lifestyle, improving metabolism if necessary, and helping make binges a thing of the past by creating a healthy relationship with food utilizing flexible dieting. His goal is not to produce quick results, but to help produce realistic, sustainable results. Another top on my list is his coaching has helped stabilize my emotions. I use to feel very vulnerable most of the time. Those feelings have almost completely disappeared. I feel strong and in control the majority of the time without the help of meds. My body feels good over all. I know I am doing good things for my body everyday even on the days that I don’t go to the gym. When you feel good about what you are doing it changes the way you feel over all!” “I came to Colin after years of starvation and binge dieting. Restricting calories just wasn’t working anymore. To be honest, I didn’t get the answer I was expecting after he looked over all my stats. I gave his way a shot anyway because I had nothing to lose. I wasn’t losing with my method, so how much worse could it get? I went through a lengthy reverse dieting phase in which I was able to dramatically increase my calories without gaining a ton of weight. I am now 20 weeks into my dieting phase, and eating an amount of calories that used to be a surplus for me while steadily losing weight. I can tell that I’ve put on muscle, gained strength, and overall just feel better and more confident. Besides the physical changes, the best part is that my relationship with food and the scale has done a complete 180. I have been far from perfect in this whole process, but the most comforting thing is knowing that perfection is not expected from your coach, and that we will always work together through anything that comes up. I’m so very thankful for all of your help, coach!” “At 54, I have struggled with my weight since my mid 40’s. I am 5’2” and was pushing 160 pounds. A couple of years ago, I decided to get serious and change my diet. I restricted myself from certain foods and was able to drop a few pounds. After that, I tried Paleo and doing cardio. I was able to get down to 150 pounds or so. But then, nothing was happening. I could not get the weight off. I thought it was just my metabolism and there was nothing I could do about it. After searching through the internet for answers, I stumbled upon Colin’s Facebook page. I followed Colin’s blog for months before I was brave enough to try it. After 6 months with Colin, I reached my goal weight. I feel amazing inside and out. I feel 10 years younger. And I’m not finished yet. I have a new goal and am working on losing even more. I enjoy the process of getting stronger and more confident. I have no doubt I will get there with Colin’s plan. The flexible dieting allows you to be in control of what you eat and when you eat it. There is nothing that is off limits. I’m NOT doing tons of cardio. The workouts don’t take that much time and that’s important because I work long hours as a teacher. I encourage anyone who has tried and failed to lose weight to give Colin’s program a try. You won’t regret it!” Through Colin DeWaay Training I now have a better relationship with food. I no longer restrict or deprive myself of foods I love. Weekends were always my toughest times. Now through a better understanding I have control and understand one day does not define my entire week and I’m better able to plan and enjoy thefoods as I want. I can’t thank Colin enough for helping me get my sense of control back with food. Most importantly I know I can sustain this for life! I am no longer obsessed with the number on the scale. I now understand that’s one tool of the many tools I have to measure my success!” “After spending years in the cycle of food restriction and endless cardio, I wasn’t getting any results. I was spending up to 3 hours a day in the gym and averaging around 1000 calories a day. Having been dumped by multiple trainers because I wasn’t seeing the results they wanted (even though I was doing everything they asked), I was exhausted, frustrated and had frequent aches and pains as my body was on the verge of quitting on me. I stumbled across Colin’s newsletter and was in awe as I read about flexible dieting and saw the successful result others were seeing. Could this really work? Had I been doing it wrong all along? I finally made the jump to sign up and am SO glad I did! In the time I have been with Colin, I have increased my calories significantly, which means I’m able to enjoy life and eat “real” food, rather than the chicken and broccoli that ruled my days before. Additionally, I am seeing gains in my lifting as the increased calories give me more strength. Colin has been wonderful, guiding me through my initial hesitations about eating more, answering my questions and helping me to understand and learn to enjoy the process. While it will take time to repair the damage I’ve done to my body, I am pumped about what lies ahead and finally have a lifestyle I love!” “Since working with Colin I have not only lost inches but I’ve also increased my strength and put on muscle mass, as well as completely transformed my squat technique from sloppy and above parallel to smooth and below parallel! He totally keeps me on track with my nutrition and has helped me better understand a flexible style of eating. He also holds me accountable with my weight training. I try not to miss any sessions because I know he doesn’t take bs excuses for missing them!


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
July 18, 2016
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address
7600 RIDGE ROAD, APT. 102C,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The COLIN DEWAAY TRAINING LLC managed by the one person from SEMINOLE on following positions: Manager

Colin Dewaay

Manager Active

Registered Agent is Patrick K Ambrose



December 20, 2019

Annual Reports

March 4, 2019
March 24, 2018