Byron Howell Ministries is a ministry about honoring God and encouraging Christians to do great works for God and His people.  God still uses people to do awesome works in the world today.  The ministry of Jesus lives on through His Body, the collection of Christians. The Bible tells us to rise and shine, for our light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon us.  (Isa 60:1).  We know that many Christians do wonderful works all over the earth.  But we also know that many Christians do nothing.  Sadly, we have been there, knowing we should do something yet doing nothing.  Well, no more!  We are going to do the good works God has before ordained that we should walk in, and we are going to encourage others to do the same.  We believe that a person truly begins to live the abundant life God has for them when that Christian begins truly living God's will for his or her life.  We believe The Holy Bible to be the Divinely inspired and written Word of God. Biblical study and meditation is the key to holy and successful living. We will endeavor to help Christians in their Bible study by providing links to helpful sights which honor God and promote Biblical wisdom. Other links will direct visitors to anointed ministries with various focuses. In these last days God has called and anointed many leaders. The book of Ephesians says God provides ministry gifts that will edify and promote the Body.We want to help spread the word about them. Lastly some links will direct Christians to other Christian materials and resources of all types. We believe Christianity is for every part of life. Christians worldwide are taking Godliness and Biblical Principals into every business and endeavor under the sun.  Today Byron and Shannon are very blessed to have Grace Family Church as their home church and also to be involved in ministry there.  Byron teaches the Wednesday Night Bible Study alongside Coach Tony Dungy, and Shannon helps in the women's ministry, Beautiful.  Byron and Shannon know that Jesus is the only Name by which man can be saved.  They desire to see all people come to the saving knowledge which is in Jesus Christ.  They also believe that Christians are God's children, and that God wants the best for His children.  They believe God has provided for them, through Jesus, healing, prosperity, power, love, and all good things.  The believe that no good thing will God withhold from them who walk uprightly.  Byron and Shannon believe God for the salvation of all people, and that all people can experience God's goodness in every way. Some people believe we can get anything from God, some people believe we can get nothing from Him, and others believe everything in between.  We teach our children to pray and ask God for things, but we also try to guide them into correct prayer and correct requests from God.  By “things” I’m referring to anything, not just material things.  How do we get what we need or even want from God?  How do we know what God wants us to have?  In this essay I’m going to show you the Biblical model to receiving from God so that you can use this process and receive everything you need from God.  There are potential debates virtually every step of the way, but if we dealt with them this essay would become a novel.  Today we are simply going to focus on the process, and I trust this will help someone get what they need from God.   In this article we are going to define “need” as anything required to fulfill God’s plan for your life or something God has promised you in the Bible.  I believe that’s a very reasonable definition of your needs from God’s perspective.  You need those things to have the best possible human existence according to God’s Word.  I’m not saying that God won’t give you something that you “want” – but that is a different subject.   Understanding what you need in life will always involve input from God.   As you look to receive what you need from Him, go to Him in prayer.  Tell Him what you think your needs are and ask Him to reveal other needs to you.  He may remove some things from your list, and He may add to it.  I remember several years ago thinking that I needed a new job, but I really didn’t and He protected us and provided for us in that job which I still have.  However, last year He told me that it was time to change jobs, and so I’m praying for direction about that now. If you have a great relationship with God, but a terrible relationship with your children, you aren’t living in God’s best for your life (and do you really have a great relationship with God?).  That’s just the plain and simple truth.  If you have great financial success, but your body is in terrible shape because of sickness, you aren’t living in all that God’s Word promises for you.  If you have major difficulties in any area of life, it’s going to be very hard to live out God’s calling and plan for you.  That’s just the way it is.  My point is that God wants you to have all He has promised so that your life can be complete and blessed in every area.  That’s God’s will for you, provision and success in every area of your life!  He doesn’t want that for you so you can just sit around relaxing and enjoying His goodness.  He wants you to be stable and comfortable so you can be a blessing to others and help them experience God and all He has for them. So now we have a general promise and we also have a Biblical example.  We are getting on some good footing now.  “God, I can see that you provided vehicles for Moses when He needed them, and I thank you that You’re going to supply my vehicle too.” 


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Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
January 2, 2015
Age - 10 years
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Company Type
Domestic Non Profit




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Officers and Directors

The BYRON HOWELL MINISTRIES, INC. managed by the three persons from TAMPA, ODESSA on following positions: DIR

Byron B Howell

DIR Active
TAMPA, 33626

Shannon E Howell

DIR Active
TAMPA, 33626

Kevin E Howell

DIR Active
ODESSA, 33556

Registered Agent is Byron B Howell

TAMPA, 33626

Annual Reports

February 9, 2024
March 28, 2023