I was living in Indianapolis and would frequently travel home for the weekends or go out drinking with friends. I had grown up playing sports, lifting and running, but now I was so confused on what kind of “diet” I needed to follow or what work out I needed to be doing. I never had to worry about it before, because I was so active in high school. All I knew was that eating less, meant losing weight (or so I thought). So I would often restrict my calories drastically through the week while I was at school “saving up” for the weekend…I would extreme exercise, sometimes leaving to go run late at night after having a few cookies or carbs. I felt guilty and needed to “run it off”… I would sometimes run 5-7 miles at night…then when I would go out and eat or visit my family on the weekends, I would eat everything I saw. I was a kind of a binge eater on the weekends….because I was starving! My body didn’t have the nutrients it needed and I was just hungry! I had been a yo-yo dieter for years in college and it had obviously gotten the best of me. It was a viscious cycle. I remember going to the gas station next to my apartment in Indianapolis when I was in school and buying a half dozen donuts on night. I’m not really sure why…I just wanted donuts! I ate almost all of those donuts until I was uncomfortably full, then felt guilty. That was the cycle. But the problem was, I had gotten to the point that if I ate ANYTHING other than a salad or something “healthy”, I felt guilty. But I didn’t worry about it, because I knew the next day I would get up and go run 5 miles to work it off. I think what escalated the guilty feeling, was the fact that my body WAS starving…so whatever I put in my belly, it hung onto, because it didn’t know when it’s next meal might come…therefore it was/is easy for someone who’s body is in starvation mode to gain several pounds in a few days, even if it is just water weight. I remember weighing myself several times a day. It was nonsense. I remember thinking…am I the only one doing this crazy stuff? The reality is, I wasn’t…and that’s why I think I made it seem ok. Extreme dieting was something that made it’s presence in high school and college. I knew friends that would go all day without eating etc. Why did we feel like this was ok? Because other people were doing it? I think I knew, deep down, it was bad…but I don’t think I realized how damaging it was to my metabolism. I continued to yo-yo diet and used diet pills…one of which is now discontinued due to its ingredients. I knew it was bad for me, I wasn’t stupid, but I continued to do this to myself. Why? Because other friends were doing it and it made it seem “ok”. I knew people who would take Aderol to lose weight! I never got to that point, but I tried everything. A cabbage soup diet…ridiculous things. I knew people, and myself, would go to extremes before Spring Break…to make sure we looked good in our bikinis in front of our peers…then I would get back from Spring Break…start by eating a little more…and then BAM, here I was right back from where I started. Why did I do it? I wasn’t pressured…I just think it was an innate feeling all girls have, especially in college or high school. To be perfect. It definitely started small in high school and progressed throughout college. I remember being on a “low-carb” diet in high school. I played sports, I NEEDED CARBS…but it was almost Prom…and I wanted to look my best… I remember taking a Nutrition class at the end of my Sophomore year. As we were calculating how many calories we actually needed and we were forced to track our numbers, I realized how much I was damaging my body by under-eating. I was moody, irritable, angry, and unhappy. I decided then, that I wanted to try and fix my damaged body and halted metabolism, but I didn’t realize how long it would take. Not only was I starting to fix my body, but I needed to start fixing my mind. I needed to tell myself to STOP going to extremes and feeling guilty for eating one piece of cake…which then lead to eating another piece of cake…because, well, heck, I already ruined my diet! I started eating more nutritious foods and eating more often than before. At first, I put on weight and of course that discouraged me. The thoughts of cutting back calories again crossed my mind…but I decided to push on. I got back down to my previous weight by adding more good calories and running. Running was really the only exercise that I felt like worked. I hated running. Hated every single minute of it, but it was all I knew. We didn’t have any nice gyms or classes around where I grew up or where I lived. No support system or group of healthy individuals helping each other learn about these things through a gym setting or group fitness, so I just sticked to steady state cardio…running…lots. I made it through two years of the dental hygiene program and graduated about my normal weight. I’m looking back now just proud of myself for not yo-yoing as much through the stressful program or going through so many extremes. I felt so much better. Less lethargic and moody. After graduation, I landed a job near Louisville and moved down to a new area. I met someone who was completing the P90x program and he was telling me to try it out. I borrowed the DVDs from him and started. It was addicting. It was so different than what I was used to. It was finally something competitive. I was competing against myself. This was 3 1/2 years ago. I didn’t complete the program, but I did make it through month 2. At that point, I had joined a large gym. They had Zumba and all kinds of different classes to join. I, again, became a cardio queen without running. I hate running..did I say that already? 🙂 I thought that was what it would take to get the body I desired. Cardio, cardio, cardio. Sweat, sweat, sweat. When I hit a plateau, I started running again on the treadmill, cycling. Anything cardio I was doing, but God forbid I pick up a weight! I had the typical thoughts that every female has… We don’t need to lift weights, we will look like a man, etc. So, if I ever did lift weights…it was  5lb dumbbells and I was doing about 3o reps! I did this for about a year and decided I needed a change. I had read about High Intensity Interval Training and the way it transforms bodies. I saw the Insanity informercial and decided to try it. I loved everything about it. (Second time I fell in love with a Beachbody product). I noticed actual differences in my body and continued. I felt I had lost weight and gained muscle finally. After the program, I turned back into the steady state cardio queen and was spinning 3-4 times a week.I had hit a wall again. Nothing would change my body…I was “in shape”, but I was still what you would call a “fat skinny” I just had this jiggle that wouldn’t “tone” up…or stop jiggling 😉 Then, I was introduced to a Hight Intensity Interval class at my gym. The instructor, Amanda, was such an awesome trainer and I kept thinking…I would love for her to train me, because I’m stuck! My boyfriend, so graciously, bought training sessions for me with her.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
July 28, 2015
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address
500 Bayview Dr,
Sunny Isles,
Mailing Address

See Also

Officers and Directors

The BROOKEFIT LLC managed by the one person from Sunny Isles on following positions: Manager

Brooke N Dorsett

Manager Active
Sunny Isles, 33160

Registered Agent is KUBERNEO LLC

5979 Vineland Road, ORLANDO, FL, 32819


September 25, 2020

Annual Reports

April 23, 2019
April 25, 2018