His National Provider Identification is 1922317536. The NPI Registry enables you to search the Department of Health and Human Services for a provider's national credentials and NPPES information. My most important vocation is my life’s work in the ministry. Although my theological training and background were conservative, I now appreciate the importance and benefits of encouraging Faith-Based Values and Missions. I’ve had the privilege of serving in a number of teaching, counseling and leadership capacities in churches and organizations, in several states, over the last nearly five decades. At Church Without Walls, in addition to teaching biblical scholarship, we also explore a number of spiritually-based studies, including major world religions and spiritual literature. This helps people learn about, and grow from, appreciating the similarities of our planet’s shared belief systems. Presently in our Search For A Sacred Science Series, we are exploring the commonalities of the scientific and religious viewpoints; how they support, rather than contradict each other. Our fascinating textbook, a compilation of 50 two-page essays by the world’s leading thinkers in the areas of science and religion, is entitled, God for The 21st Century. Established Naples Clinic in 1990. Now expanded to over a dozen therapists in a variety of specialized areas, around the country. Besides private counseling, we and our team of therapists lead a wide spectrum of groups and teach various self-improvement classes and support groups open to the public. We are well-known in South West Florida for the many community and professional seminars we have presented over the years. One of our most gratifying ministries is our work as family counselors. As pastoral therapists, we appreciate the opportunity to help folks learn how to bring harmony and joy into their lives. Operate an international web counseling service. Internet technology provides clients the anonymity and convenience to get the help they need. This has become a very popular and effective avenue for life skills training for snowbirds, and clients who do not reside in Florida. of the Pastoral Therapy Training Program, a three year graduate program which prepares counselors to do local and on-line counseling for Best Self USA. Privileged to serve as first woman president of Bonita Spring Ministerial Association. This group is supportive of local religious leaders and their congregations. How pleased we are with the spirit of the participants in BSMA. While each congregational leader remains committed to the theology of our particular denominations, we collectively work together to support faith-based values and ministries within our community. For example: All churches in BSMA now have a premarital counseling program. Sam and I, as Family Therapists, were among the first pastors to be registered at the Lee and Collier County Marriage License Departments as Certified Pre-Marriage Counselors. Play LOTS of instruments, including piano and organ, guitar and harmonica, soprano and tenor steel drums (pans,) psaltery, marimbas and flutes, ukuleles and violin, string bass and washtub bass, washboard and Kazoo. I experience great pleasure from the experience of “doing” music; that is, singing and playing instruments, for the sheer joy of participating, as opposed to performing. Have been a church music director, played monthly with the Bluegrass Association, (and, OK) did a couple of folk concerts at Cambier Park. Over the decades we have been privileged to share what we are learning about healthy living with our circle of acquaintances. We teach local classes and speak nationally on removing toxins from our bodies and our environment, and on living healthier lives in harmony with nature. Much of our research can be found at On the board of of TCN, which, for 13 years, has sponsored Lenten Soup for the Soul, an interfaith assembly of members from over 30 congregations who fellowship together weekly in Lenten preparation. We are working on bringing accredited seminary classes to Naples. His National Provider Identification is 1922317536. The NPI Registry enables you to search the Department of Health and Human Services for a provider's national credentials and NPPES information. My most important vocation is my life’s work in the ministry. Although my theological training and background were conservative, I now appreciate the importance and benefits of encouraging Faith-Based Values and Missions. I’ve had the privilege of serving in a number of teaching, counseling and leadership capacities in churches and organizations, in several states, over the last nearly five decades. At Church Without Walls, in addition to teaching biblical scholarship, we also explore a number of spiritually-based studies, including major world religions and spiritual literature. This helps people learn about, and grow from, appreciating the similarities of our planet’s shared belief systems. Presently in our Search For A Sacred Science Series, we are exploring the commonalities of the scientific and religious viewpoints; how they support, rather than contradict each other. Our fascinating textbook, a compilation of 50 two-page essays by the world’s leading thinkers in the areas of science and religion, is entitled, God for The 21st Century. Established Naples Clinic in 1990. Now expanded to over a dozen therapists in a variety of specialized areas, around the country. Besides private counseling, we and our team of therapists lead a wide spectrum of groups and teach various self-improvement classes and support groups open to the public. We are well-known in South West Florida for the many community and professional seminars we have presented over the years. One of our most gratifying ministries is our work as family counselors. As pastoral therapists, we appreciate the opportunity to help folks learn how to bring harmony and joy into their lives. Operate an international web counseling service. Internet technology provides clients the anonymity and convenience to get the help they need. This has become a very popular and effective avenue for life skills training for snowbirds, and clients who do not reside in Florida.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
December 19, 2011
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability


(239) 591-4565
(192) 231-7536


Principal Address
10202 Vanderbilt Drive,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The BEST SELF USA LLC managed by the one person from NAPLES on following positions: Manager

Bunny Sewell

Manager Active
NAPLES, 34108

Registered Agent is Bunny Sewell

NAPLES, 34108


March 9, 2024
May 2, 2012

Annual Reports

April 26, 2023
April 19, 2022