Wellington seems to have an innate understanding of your weak areas and concentrates on making them stronger. At age 58 I feel that I am stronger and firmer than ever. I went from having extremely high cholesterol, blood pressure, and elevated triglycerides to having my HDL levels (good cholesterol) up to 53 and my LDL levels (bad cholesterol) down to 97. My blood pressure went down from 159 over 99 to 108 over 77. My triglyceride levels were through the roof at 317 mg/dl before training Wellington, now they are safe at 133 mg/dl. Wellington is without a doubt the real deal when it comes to training; using his routines, diet strategies and advice concerning types of training. I have seen results that define his skill as a great fitness/strength trainer. My flexibility has increased at an age where it should be decreasing. I attribute this to my workouts with Wellington. These workouts are the best gift I can give myself. I booked my latest movie role for the film, “Circle of Fury” on Jan 2, 2010, and was scheduled to start shooting January 27th. In less than 4 weeks I had to drop 15 lbs. and pack on nearly 5 lbs of muscle. I enlisted master trainer, Wellington Paim, to get me movie-ready. With his vast knowledge of core workouts, as well as helping clients to simultaneously build muscle & burn fat, I went from 182 lbs to 165 lbs, and reduced my body fat from 19% to 12%. Not only did he give me the workout I needed to make this possible, but he also set me up with a great diet plan that definitely helped me attain my goals. ‘Impossible’, you might think, but nothing is impossible when you have the drive to meet your goals, and nothing can help you achieve that quicker than the right coach and mentor. Thank you, Wellington. What a great decision it was to bring aboard Wellington as my strength and conditioning coach. I knew he was the right man for the job once he evaluated me. We then began my journey to perfection. Wellington is so keen on what I need in the fight world, each exercise is specific. He is innovative and utilizes cutting edge science to enhance my performance. I am constantly approached by other fighters who ask me how I stay in such phenomenal shape. He has helped me perform light years ahead of my competition. Whether your goal is general fitness/fat loss or you’re a professional athlete looking to enhance stamina/performance, I encourage everyone to work with Wellington Paim. Thank you Wellington..!! You’re the man..!! Over the last few years, I have spent countless hours working out without reaping any rewards. Wellington has changed all that. He has taught me how to avoid conventional, one-dimensional machines, and how to use a combination of core/free weight exercises that will maximize every workout. I now have tools that I can use throughout my life. Because of this lifestyle change, Wellington has helped me lose 4 inches, 26 pounds, and 5% body fat. If you are looking for a workout buddy that will chat and pass the time with you, Wellington is not for you. If you are looking for No Nonsense, High Impact Life Changing workout that will maximize results in minimal time, Wellington is your man. For the first time in my athletic life, I chose to incorporate a personal trainer because although I often work out, I was just not seeing results on my own. The first day I started with Wellington, he tested me to my limits and beyond. At first I thought I was never going to survive, but after a few sessions and a deeper analysis of my lack of physical capability (at the time), he helped me get passed my weaknesses and find a new inner strength I forgot I had. I was overweight and had type 2 diabetes. Wellington helped me not only lose all the excess weight I was carrying, but he helped control my blood sugar; I have lost 56lbs while increasing muscle since training with Wellington. My doctor tells me that my glucose and cholesterol levels are back to normal and I didn’t have to do it with any medication whatsoever. I owe it all to Wellington. Having Wellington in my life has helped me more than anyone could imagine. Thanks Wellington, I couldn’t have done it without you. I just had a baby and was trying my hardest to lose weight. After 7 months of doing it alone I finally realized I needed professional help. I did a lot of research and tried one other trainer before finding Wellington. After the first session, I was hooked. He truly helped me get back into my original pre-baby form just in time for the summer. He is an excellent motivator and I truly look forward to each and every session I have with him. He has not only helped me lose weight, but I am much stronger and far more knowledgeable of fitness. My sessions are always challenging and Wellington is a complete professional. Wellington seems to have an innate understanding of your weak areas and concentrates on making them stronger. At age 58 I feel that I am stronger and firmer than ever. I went from having extremely high cholesterol, blood pressure, and elevated triglycerides to having my HDL levels (good cholesterol) up to 53 and my LDL levels (bad cholesterol) down to 97. My blood pressure went down from 159 over 99 to 108 over 77. My triglyceride levels were through the roof at 317 mg/dl before training Wellington, now they are safe at 133 mg/dl. Wellington is without a doubt the real deal when it comes to training; using his routines, diet strategies and advice concerning types of training. I have seen results that define his skill as a great fitness/strength trainer. My flexibility has increased at an age where it should be decreasing. I attribute this to my workouts with Wellington. These workouts are the best gift I can give myself. I booked my latest movie role for the film, “Circle of Fury” on Jan 2, 2010, and was scheduled to start shooting January 27th. In less than 4 weeks I had to drop 15 lbs. and pack on nearly 5 lbs of muscle. I enlisted master trainer, Wellington Paim, to get me movie-ready. With his vast knowledge of core workouts, as well as helping clients to simultaneously build muscle & burn fat, I went from 182 lbs to 165 lbs, and reduced my body fat from 19% to 12%. Not only did he give me the workout I needed to make this possible, but he also set me up with a great diet plan that definitely helped me attain my goals. ‘Impossible’, you might think, but nothing is impossible when you have the drive to meet your goals, and nothing can help you achieve that quicker than the right coach and mentor. Thank you, Wellington.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
December 12, 2017
Age - 7 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability




Principal Address
10810 NW 7TH STREET,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The BE FIT WITH WELLINGTON LLC managed by the one person from MIAMI on following positions: Authorized Member

Wellington Menezes Paim

Authorized Member Active
MIAMI, 33172

Registered Agent is Wellington Menezes Paim

MIAMI, 33172


August 12, 2019
September 28, 2018

Annual Reports

April 27, 2023
April 21, 2022