Company/Staff Adjuster: An adjuster who is an employee of the insurance company. Naturally, as an employee of the insurance company, they follow the guidelines set forth by the insurance company and looks out for the best interest of their employer “the insurance company”. Independent Adjuster: An adjuster who may work for multiple insurance companies as an independent contractor, is hired by the insurance company. They also follow the guidelines set forth by the insurance company and looks out for the best interest of their employer “the insurance company”. Public Adjuster: an adjuster who is licensed, bonded, and regulated by the state, who works only for the public, like you. A Public Adjuster has no ties with the insurance company, and as an expert is employed by you, it is in their sole interest to get “YOU” the maximum settlement possible. Even in the most straightforward of claims, it is worth remembering that the insurance company will only pay out what they believe should be due to you, based on an evaluation by their experts, using their process and criteria. Insurance policies are long and complex documents that are continually changing and vary greatly from policy to policy and insurer to insurer. Even the most focused claimant may not be familiar with or fully understand the terminology used or all of the clauses and contractual conditions in even the most straightforward of insurance policies, putting them at a disadvantage when dealing with the insurance company, who wrote the document. You may be owed more money than you think! Our team at ACE is not only closely familiar with the terminology and clauses in policy documents, but our staff is also extremely knowledgeable and experienced at determining the actual cost of returning your property to its pre-loss condition. While the insurance company will be looking for ways to interpret the insurance policy and circumstances surrounding your claim in their favor and at times in an attempt to deny your claim, we will be working to interpret it in your favor. We will always have your best interest in mind. Studies have shown that using a Public Adjuster usually results in a settlement that is 3-5 times larger than submitting the claim on your own and dealing directly with the insurance company. Absolutely Not. A Public Adjuster is a licensed and insured professional. It is mandated by the State Legislature and regulated by the Department of Insurance. It would be a violation of your rights if any insurance company denies or cancels you based on hiring a Public Adjuster. Hiring a Public Adjuster is a right given to you by the State Legislature. Can I Submit A Claim On My Own Without Any Help? Yes, you have the right to submit the claim on your own without the help of a Public Adjuster. Will you have the same results? Absolutely not. It has been proven that a Public Adjuster can help you receive 3-5 times more compensation for your loss than you working directly with your insurance company. A Public Adjuster is an expert at policy coverage, the claim process, inspections, the scope and details of the damages, preparing estimates, proving your loss and negotiating. Don’t let the insurance company fool you into thinking that you don’t need the help of a Public Adjuster or that they are going to put your interests before theirs. This is exactly what your insurance company wants you to do, because that way, they will always have the advantage of having an expert there to represent and protect their interest. You should be doing the same by hiring your own expert that will educate you, protect your interest, and get you the most for your loss. Call ACE before you call your insurance company or a restoration company. The insurance company hires an expert to represent them and you should do the same. Will My Insurance Company Raise My Rates After Filing A Claim? When insureds are affected by a large catastrophic event like a hurricane, insurance companies will raise their rates in that area, because the area would now be considered a higher risk to insure and that will result in higher insurance rates for you and everyone in the affected area regardless of whether you place a claim or not. Another reason your insurance company will raise your rates is when they automatically increase your coverage annually. Your insurance company is going to raise your rates regardless of whether you place a claim or not, regardless of how long you’ve been with them, or how loyal you are, and regardless of how good your relationship is with your insurance agent. Will My Insurance Company Cancel My Policy For Placing A Claim? Your insurance company can cancel your policy for several reasons that may include the following: Non-payment of policy premiums, misrepresentation and/or concealment of material facts, insurance fraud, failure to correct hazardous conditions, and reoccurring losses or repetitive claims for the same cause of loss (having three or more non-weather related claims in a 3 year period etc...). Your insurance company cannot cancel your policy for using the insurance for its intended purpose or as a result of you placing a claim for damage(s) to your property that is sudden and accidental and covered under your policy. It’s highly recommended that you hire a Public Adjuster to represent you before you submit your claim; you may say something that the insurance company will use against you to discredit your claim or reduce the amount of compensation you receive. There are no upfront fees! We are paid a percentage of the amount that is recovered for you. When the insurance company issues a payment we collect a percentage from all payments recovered which will be disclosed in your contract at time of signing. If we can’t recover for you and the insurance company doesn’t issue payment then you owe us nothing. No Recovery No Fee No. You shouldn’t do any cleaning or repairs (except for protecting your property from further damage) before you’ve contacted ACE and before the insurance company has had a chance to inspect the property. Don’t throw anything away, including debris. If you clean it beforehand, you’re literally cleaning away evidence that could mean thousands of dollars in compensation that you would have otherwise been entitled to, especially if you have it professionally cleaned by a restoration company. Leave everything untouched and resist the urge to clean until the damage is assessed and documented by our expert adjusters and your insurance company’s representatives.


Company name
Filed Number
FEI Number
Date of Incorporation
July 21, 2011
Age - 13 years
Home State
Company Type
Florida Limited Liability


(786) 536-6560
(800) 252-3439


Principal Address
18495 S. Dixie Hwy,,
SUITE 255,

See Also

Officers and Directors

The ALL CLAIMS EXPERTS, LLC managed by the one person from Miami on following positions: Manager

Lourdes Alvarez-Mena

Manager Active
Miami, 33157

Registered Agent is Lourdes Alvarez-Mena

Miami, 33157

Annual Reports

January 23, 2024
January 28, 2023